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Fleet Awards

Posted on Tue Jan 14th, 2020 @ 1:54am by Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor

It appears that the Fleet Awards for December, 2019, the last quarter, and the entire year are out, along with a ten year banner and a Fleet 2018 Sim Laureate award.

First is the Laureate. Five Laureates are awarded each year.

Theta Fleet for its excellent Star Trek games throughout the year. What separates them is that they first focus on their own membership, and provide the best sims possible before expending resources on ancillary operations. They may be small in size, but their dedicated community is a giant family from the greenest Cadet to the most seasoned Admiral. Theta Fleet exemplifies and models the best of what simming communities should strive to be. ~ The Simming Prize

Second, the Tenth Anniversary Banner. I don't have access to post it on our site, but I'm sure someone else does. =)

Finally, awards. We are in Task Force 23, and up against some good ships. Some awards, like the Unit of Distinction, are awarded according to statistics, for instance how many posts there are. Others are more subjective.

Typhon tied for the Silver Unit of Distinction in December! That's awesome! We also tied for the TF 23-A group TFCO Award of Merit.

I'm not sure who did the nominations, but Player of the Month for TF 23 was me, Susan, with this nomination: Typhon: Susan. Ever since she joined the sim, she has been writing with everyone and getting involved with everything. She also comments on posts to leave positive comments.

Based on the nominations that came in for the quarter, the fleet also awarded me Player of the Quarter for TF 23.

Thank you for both!

2019 Year-End Awards

The annual Writer and Player awards were based on the monthly nominations.

Player of the year goes to Darrell for his work on:
Aurora, Calypso, Inti, AND Typhon!

Congratulations to Darrell and to the crew for working so hard on posts and earning the group awards!

Susan/AKA Dr. Sonia Kapoor


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