The Sim
Starbase Typhon has been tasked with the mission of providing security on the outer edge of the Typhon Expanse. The station has several systems to patrol. The crew remains ready for all duties to protect Federation interests in this area.
System J-572, known commonly as Tiberius, is approximately 0.5 lightyears from Starbase Typhon (approx. 12 hours at warp 5), within the Typhon Expanse. Due to local interference the system's stellar objects were unknown until a recent scan by the USS Thor.
The system consists of a single star and ten planets, two of these planets are M class.
Star J-572 is a spectral class F2V white main sequence star. Its spectral class (F) is similar to the Procyon A star. It is a main sequence dwarf star, similar in size and absolute magnitude to Sol. There have been no noted anomalies, or significant solar flare activity.
J-572 I - Class B is the first planet of the system is a standard, geomorteus, with a diameter of approximately 6,000km. It's surface is partially molten, with a very high surface temperature. Atmosphere is extremely tenuous with significant quantities of toxic gases. The planet cannot support carbon-based life. Similar to Mercury.
J-572 II - Class B is the second planet of the system is almost identical to the first, with slightly lower surface temperature. The surface remains partially molten with significant outgassing of carbon dioxide. It cannot support life.
J-572 III - Class H is 9,000km in diameter. The surface is hot and arid with no known surface water. Atmosphere is existent but primarily carbon dioxide. Environmental suits would be required for exploration. Planet is habitable using pressure domes, provided water is located underground.
J-572 IV - Class M (Desert) is with 10-20% surface water primarily around the polar regions and a diameter of 9,000km. The planet has a oxygen/argon atmosphere which can support humanoid life. The surface is dry/arid with vegetation consisting mainly of water storing or deep-rooted plants. The brief survey conducted by the Thor detected the likelihood of dilithium and decalithium elements. Some of the larger rock formations that take up 10% of the planet's surface, a few of these have tunnels and caverns that may lead to underground sources of water. Recently the planet has been purchased by a woman that goes by the name Morticia.
J-572 V - Class M (Terra) is the fifth planet of J-572 with a diameter of 11,000km. It has approximately 60% surface water, significant surface vegetation and detectable animal life. Atmosphere is nitrogen/oxygen and fully capable of supporting humanoid life. Raetia Colony has been established by the Federation on the largest island. Damron City has also been established by the Damron Group on the second largest island.
J-572 VI, VII, VIII - Class J are all gas giants, the sixth planet is 120,000km in diameter and appears green in colour. There is no detectable surface and the atmosphere is variable as with most gas giants. It should be noted that J-572 VI has six moons, which have not been fully charted and may hold atmosphere.
The seventh and eighth planets are smaller, approximately 90,000km in diameter, and are also class J. The seventh appears yellow/brown in colour, the eighth is gray. Neither has an identifiable surface.
J-572 IX - Class D is a small planet, 1,000km in diameter, the ninth planet is cold and has a tenuous atmosphere. It cannot support life.
J-572 X - Class P has a diameter of 9,000km and surface water covering 90%, this water is frozen due to the extremely low temperatures. Thanks to detailed scans from a joint Calypso/Typhon away team, it is theorised the planet suffered a catastrophic event that resulted in the planet's frozen state but still holds a survivable nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere. The team found evidence of habitation by intelligent life in caves with tunnels leading to underground water, there is marine life present. One of the major forms is a large rodent with large flat tails similar to Earth's capybara and beavers with a poisonous bite.
Fleet Awards for Typhon:

2019 Fleet Awards

2022 Fleet Awards

2023 Fleet Awards