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Happening on the Station

Posted on Fri Mar 11th, 2011 @ 11:56pm by Captain Anna Johnson

This is to explain my most recent post. One of the docked ships at Typhon has brought in an unknown illness. The original virus had an incubation period but something caused it to mutate before they docked. It is passed through physical contact.

Everyone will have a shared hallucination. Think mid-evil times or something similar. This opens it up for a larger variety of characters. This can include Robin Hood characters as well so they can be real or fiction just in that same general category.

Basically as people get infected those that are sick will in their minds be acting out a holoprogram but in real life. The will become the character they think they are. People will be dueling for honor. Anna aka Joan will be seeking out Prince Charles and hearing the voices and seeing the visions that led her to her mission.

So there is a lot to choose from but please once someone has established themselves as a character don't make a second one of the same. We don't want five Robin Hoods or Joans running around the station.

Have fun.

Vicki aka Anna


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