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Tue Dec 20th, 2011 @ 11:41pm

Captain Anna Johnson

Name Anna Marie Johnson

Position Executive Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Anna is very fit and trim and cares about her appearance. When on duty her uniform is perfect and her hair is pulled back tightly. When off duty she still prides herself on her appearance but usually wears her hair down.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Andrew (deceased)
Mother Maria (deceased)
Brother(s) Jason, Jackson (twins)
Sister(s) Jana
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Anna tends to be quiet until she gets to know a person but is very good at her job and when duty demands it has a louder voice that gets the attention it needs. Though she works well in a large crowd she does enjoy some alone time with a good book or movie.
Strengths & Weaknesses + She is good at what she does.
+ Earns respect easily
- Can be seen as shy because she is quiet.
- Can have a low self esteem because of how her father treated her.
Ambitions To move up the ranks perhaps move into command one day. For now she wants to keep things running as perfectly as she can.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, old movies and studying languages, flying
Languages Standard, Irish, Klingon, Japanese, Trill

Personal History June 16, 2359 Anna was born as the first child to Andrew and Maria Johnson
May 21, 2377 Accepted into Starfleet Academy in the field of Engineering
June 1, 2381 Graduated the Academy and took her first assignment in Starfleet.
November 24, 2381 Received Shuttle Certification with a score of 9.5 out of 10 on the test.
February 9, 2384 Received word that her father died. Went home to support her mother and siblings.
Anna felt no real grief at his death.
May 27, 2385 A woman Anna had helped and grown close to that lived on the colony below the Starbase died.
Anna had more influence on the woman than she thought as the woman left Anna her wealth when she did.
She thought about retiring and starting her own private repair shop but decided she liked the adventure Starfleet offered too much.

Medical History

Childhood history shows multiple injuries, various bruises and broken bones but no inquiries were ever on record.
Her siblings were 12 and 10 years younger than she was and did not show any similar injuries.
Service Record July 15 2381 Assigned to the USS Erinys as an Engineering Officer
March 23, 2384 Assigned to Starbase Orion as Chief Engineer
January 13, 2387 Assigned to Typhon Starbase as Chief of Operations