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Good News, Bad News

Posted on Tue Aug 7th, 2012 @ 6:32am by Commander Raven Adams

Hi, everyone!

First, Adam has stepped down as CO of Starbase Typhon.

He had some great ideas and was enthusiastic, but his real life has taken up all of his time of late and he doesn't think it will change any time soon.

I've talked to a number of people since Adam stepped down, including our wonderful XO, Cressidia Lane. She's eager to stay on as XO.

That brings me to my good news.

Please join me in welcoming Captain Raymond Kelly as the new commanding officer of Starbase Typhon.

Those of you who are on other sims may know Matt. He's a great writer and a great CO.

We ARE continuing with the mission Adam set up. Matt will need some help to get up to speek, so be patient with him while he figures out where we are and how he can best insert his character into the current mission.


Kathryn Burke


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