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Sat Jul 29th, 2023 @ 12:01pm

Commander Raven Adams

Name Raven Dawn Adams

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 3/4 Betazoid, 1/4 Bajoran
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 137 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Raven wears her hair long and loose. She likes to wear black and deep red (occasionally other dark colors). Some call her appearance goth, but she prefers to think of it as her own personal style. She wears silver jewelry that usually incorporates dragons or ravens.

She sleeps in a coffin (double-wide). They're very comfortable and she likes the way people react when she tells them about it.


Father Mort Adams
Mother Lucretia Gomez
Sister(s) Rhiannon, Romani

Personality & Traits

General Overview Raven is usually cheerful. She loves her work and loves her computers and computer programs. Her favorite time to do data searches is late at night when everyone is asleep and the office is dimly lit.

While she doesn't mind bright lights, she prefers a softer, warmer light scheme, one reminiscent of nighttime. Her office and quarters will always have softer, warmer lighting.

Raven often walks a fine line between what is and isn't considered 'lawful.' She believes in the greater good and will sometimes cross the line if she feels the cause is just.

She is VERY careful who she trusts... and with what?
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Intelligent, cheerful, knows computers and computer programs. Expert with a hand-held weapon. Expert pilot of small vessels.

Anti social outside of work environment. She doesn't feel comfortable in large groups. She prefers to work alone or with small groups when possible.

She does not trust easily and keeps her private life very private. She has a weakness for chocolate.

Raven has a mild Robin Hood complex. She likes to help underdogs.
Ambitions To be the best code breaker and researcher in Starfleet. She has a strong desire to help people. One day, to raise a family.
Hobbies & Interests Computers. Listening to classic rock from Terra, Reading, especially horror and dark fiction. Collects dragons and ravens.

Among her many weaknesses is a deep and abiding love of chocolate. Especially dark Betazoid chocolate. But she also loves Swiss and Belgian chocolate from Terra.
Languages Standard, Bajoran, Cardassian, Ferengi, Betazoid, Romulan, Orion

Personal History Raven was born and raised on Bajor. Her parents were in the diplomatic corps, but she had a number of friends who were sympathetic to Bajor during the occupation. She finished school at an early age and had a degree in history by the time she was 16.

Not wanting to be a teacher, Raven spent four years working as a 'merchant/trader' in the system, mostly helping Bajorans fight the Cardassians. She often made runs through the 'badlands' and had close ties with a number of Maquis ships. During this time, she went by the name of Morticia. She still keeps her ship docked at Typhon and will occasionally take it out on "errands" as her alter ego.

She learned a lot about the sector and about how to keep out of trouble.
Or, more specifically, how to keep from getting caught or killed.

Giving in to pressure from her family, she joined Starfleet, but continued to keep in contact with a small circle of close friends. She graduated with honors from Starfleet in Intelligence and Science.

She sometimes bends the rules if she thinks they cause harm. Up to and including the Prime Directive.

She has created an artificial intelligence as an interface with her computer. It is a raven she named Edgar.
Service Record Graduated Starfleet in Intelligence, Security and Science.
Served on the USS Trenton as Intel Officer and Infiltration Specialist.
Served on the USS Potemkin as Infiltration Specialist.
Served on the USS Intrepid as Investigation Specialist.
Served on the USS Naruto as Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer.
Currently serves on Starbase Typhon as Chief Intelligence Officer.