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New Department

Posted on Thu Dec 31st, 2009 @ 9:35pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

As Typhon continues to grow we shall always attempt new programs to add to the Sim. The Cadet Advisory Group or CAG, is one of those programs. This department shall train and advise Five Senior Cadets in an unusual fashion under the direction of The Cag Commander. The purpose to put a team of Officers from each field at the beginning of their careers to enhance their efforts later in their Fleet service. The Cadets selected are the Top Cadets in their chosen field and have advanced capabilities. The Cadet Advisory Commander shall have direct control of these young Cadets as they shall be assigned here for One year. The Cadet advisor reports to the Commanding Officer USB Typhon, and is traveling to the Starbase at this time. Please welcome them as they arrive to their new home.



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