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Mon Feb 14th, 2011 @ 10:52am

Commodore Edward Fannin

Name Edward Allen Fannin

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Average height for a Human Male, broad shouldered but thin in appearance. Edward has a light quick step and moves silently. His uniform appearance lends to his authority.


Spouse Delores Votla, (EX)
Children None
Father Enzo Martelli-Fannin
Mother Estelle Fannin
Brother(s) Rene Fannin, Thomas Fannin
Sister(s) Janelle Marie Fannin
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fannin is noted for his calm reasoning and core values. His eyes are always alert for trouble. He is very friendly. He freely encourages debate on issues to resolve them fully. He has many close friends in the fleet who regard his command skills highly. After several commands he knows what works with a crew, and what doesn't...

Edward is a humanitarian. During his imprisonment he developed a concern for the extreme Human condition. He is a firm believer in compassion. He is not a passive buy nature. Others would note he gives far more than he takes in all matters. As most of his adult life spent as a captive in the harshest of environments he would never condone abuse or mistreatment.
Strengths & Weaknesses Edward is a quick thinker after his years in the fleet, he has a quiet confidence that rubs off on others. He would never ask his crew to do something he wouldn't do himself.

When the pressures on he can be a demanding task master, directive and no-nonsense. At times he will challenge a crew member with a difficult task before they are ready.
Ambitions His ambitions realized years ago, to become the Captain of his own vessel. Edward looks forward to helping others do the same. And retirement.
Hobbies & Interests Fannin loves to dine out often and considers himself a connoisseur of wine. He enjoys reading and collecting artifacts. If he's not sitting in the booth of his favorite eatery he'll be in quarters watching old movies or entertaining. Edward has never practiced martial arts but has blade skills with a knife that it legend.
Languages Terran standard, Romulan (He refuses to speak it) but understands it without a flaw.

Personal History Edward was born in Rome on Earth in 2344 to Enzo and Estelle Fannin, the oldest of Four children. His Family moved to South Africa His father taking work as a mining Engineer. When Edward was seven his Father was killed in a mine explosion and His mother was committed to an asylum shortly afterwords. Leaving Edward and his siblings to fend for themselves on the streets of Durban. By the time he was Sixteen he was highly skilled as a gang member committing petty crimes. After ten months in a reformatory he joined the Starfleet Marine corps. The Marines would change his life forever. He was an average recruit and excepted to Corpsman training. He had a talent the medical field. After graduation he was promoted to sergeant and posted to the Romulan Neutral zone. A small Marine unit at a remote asteroid as a recon unit. His unit had been tracked for several months and finally ambushed by a overwhelming force of Reman commandos. Fannin volunteered to stay behind with the wounded he was attempting to save. The others made there escape from a hopeless situation. He remained in a Romulan prison camp for Eleven years. On his return he worked closely with fleet intelligence training Marine commanders Romulan unit tactics and was promoted to Lt. Cmdr. after completing four years at the academy. During his Career Captain Fannin has been called to testify before the Federation High Counsel on treatment and conditions while in captivity. During one of these hearings he was asked for comment about his fellow prisoners. Edward stated to a full Federation chamber, ALL GAVE SOME..SOME GAVE ALL.

Captain Fannin is one of the longest known personnel ever held in captivity. His fleet service records will show his command status to this date.
Service Record 2387- Selected for Flag rank Commodore, Task force 42
2386- Assigned USB Typhon, Commanding Officer
2385- Returns to Outpost 44. Testifies on War Crimes
2383- Assigned Fleet Intelligence Plans and Programs
2383- Senior Officer selection Board, Promoted to Captain
2382- Promoted to Commander
2380- Chief witness Federation War Crimes Tribunal
2379- Selected for Chief Investigator, Starfleet War Crimes Board
2378- Graduates Academy, promoted to Lieutenant Commander
2377- Witness, Starfleet Board of Inquiry.
2375- Enters Starfleet Academy
2374- Hospitalized Starfleet Medical Center, Brooks Texas
2374- Expatriated to Federation in Prisoner exchange
2363- Unknown, Presumed Killed in Action, Outpost 44 RNZ
2363- Assigned Outpost 44, RNZ
2362- Promoted Sergeant, Marine Corpsman
2361- Enlisted Starfleet Marine Corps
2344- Born Earth


During his Incarceration Captain Fannin was subjected to extreme physical abuse and mind control experiments by Romulan Medical Staff. This was a prolonged condition during his Eleven year imprisonment. Regenerative surgeries have healed many physical 'Abnormalities'. Despite years of harsh and often brutal treatment accompanied by extreme mental stress the subject remains a highly global adult Human Male fit for duty. **Medical Officers will note extensive bone structure regeneration due to the subject having over 30% of this structure Broken, shattered or pulverized.**


For deeds and actions on or about December 23rd 2363. Sergeant Edward Fannin Distinguished himself during the raid and capture of Federation outpost 44 while assigned duties as Marnie corpsman. The sergeant refused to evacuate leaving fallen and wounded comrades while the outpost was overrun. He is credited with saving the lives of Three of his patients. During his status as Prisoner of war Sergeant Fannin continued his duties aiding Federation prisoners while in captivity saving hundreds during an Eleven year time span. His actions shall be remembered by all.

Major General Martin Henderson
Star Fleet Marine Corps.


Awarded to Captain Edward Fannin for his years of dedication and hard work serving the Federation. The research and investigations started by you resulted in the capture and conviction of 14 War Criminals. We are grateful for these efforts.

Ambassador Giles Beck
Chief Counsel
United Federation of Planets