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Typhon Crew

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2010 @ 11:08pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

To the crew of the Starship Typhon.

Since it’s first day on December 12th 2009 the Typhon was different. I look at the Sim now at can’t believe how far it has progressed. Typhon’s successes are measured by the crew and their drive to create a atmosphere few Ships will ever reach. In One Month and fifteen days the crew has formed, Three missions completed, star systems created, artwork has been designed, links added, databases developed and characters brought to life. During this process I have had the opportunity to meet some of the best Science Fiction writers ever assembled in a Sim. To be as new as I am to this world and have the crew support of these people is just a far off goal for most Captains, for me it is a reality. I thank you all for that privilege.

Remarkable gains were made during January, and as far as I know the Typhon leads the way in quality in Theta fleet and several other organizations I need not mention here. As February Approaches I would like to challenge my department heads to begin working on their Databases and rounding out our NPC bios. Banners shall be designed and word of our Fleet and Sim will spread. This crew has shown it determination to excel and create a truly remarkable environment. Not to mention busting out with a staggering Two Hundred posts in a Thirty day period. Again well done. It is my hope that our Station will continue to thrive and grow. Theta fleet will also continue to grow as we support it’s efforts to expand and develop into a premier Organization. All this is the direct result of your hard work and dedication to your peers, your vessel and the Fleet.

Thank you,


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