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Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2010 @ 12:06am by Commodore Edward Fannin

My favorite time has come again. With a crew of this caliber awards are seldom enough to express my gratitude for all your hard efforts here on our Sim. The Typhon doubled it's crew and busted out a remarkable 249 posts in January. This proves the commitment of this crew. I thank you all.>

The Operations department did some Great work this month and has been selected for department of the month. The posts on Tiberius V were great and Commander Johnson should be very pleased with her efforts.>

The crews choice award is awarded to Anna Johnson, again for her work throughout the entire month of January. Congratulations on a job well done!>

I would like to thank all of our newest writers for jumping right in and getting involved. This next month we shall be moving ahead continuing to expand and improve our station.>



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