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Mission News

Posted on Fri Feb 12th, 2010 @ 11:19pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

Our current Mission forging Ahead will be coming to a close this Monday night as we will have over 150 posts crammed into it! Our next mission with be "Preparing The Fleet", it promises to be interesting. With the captain of the USS Endeavor called to Romulus for the political disturbances who can really say what the hardliners in their government will try. So roll up your posts on Forging Ahead and clear the decks.

Again we're having a bang up month, Halfway through February and going very strong. The next mission will be very demanding of the crew. Have your Player NPC's ready! As always thanks for all your hard work on the Sim and the Typhon continues to grow into a premier Sim in Theta Fleet.



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