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New Site!!!!

Posted on Wed Mar 10th, 2010 @ 5:36pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

Theta Fleet will be transitioning to a new site for our main fleet site. Over the next several days our Admiralty staff and others will be working on the Theta site and making several upgrades to the system. During this process the Typhon should not be affected at all.

Were having a great start this Month again and the weather out side is getting towards spring. I encourage all of you to venture out and enjoy some of this fantastic sunshine and fresh air! It was a long dreary winter for us here in the Missouri Hills, but it's time to get those mowers and outdoor grills fired up!

I'll be loading in the new awards to the ships database this week and catching up on all of your records. Soon It will be time for a few well deserved promotions on the Typhon. That will give you department heads time to work on your databases and polish a few things up on the station. Yes even starbases have spring cleaning. If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining the crew just have them send me an email, I'd be glad to talk with them! Thank you all for a great job last month as the Typhon received the Fleet Gold award for a second month. Outstanding job.



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