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Good Morning Crew

Posted on Sun Nov 28th, 2010 @ 11:26pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

While arriving to the bridge this morning I grabbed a cup of coffee from the faithful Ensign at my side and began my shift Moving the RULES and POSTING section from the Archives... You may be be worried, confused or just half asleep. Don't worry about them being over there in the Wiki, just waiting for you to read.. But I would take a look at them and heed them well.

Are they new? (Yes)

What could he think of next you ask..

Will they change my life? (Yes)

Are they worth reading? (Yes)

Will I be Paid? (No)

Can I claim it on my taxes? (Yes)

I hope you will stop by and take a look at any rate. They have worked so far without a major lawsuit or constant whining or bickering. If you feel I have left something out send me a message...

Now , about that cup of coffee.

Fannin, (AKA Beloved Captain and seeker of truth)


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