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Posted on Sat Dec 4th, 2010 @ 11:47pm by Commodore Edward Fannin
Edited on Sun Dec 5th, 2010 @ 12:41am

Greetings to all, December has started and we all all getting ready for the holiday season. I'm very excited and my out of character crew are as well. I hope you all have a wonderful season thats safe. lets keep in our minds that several members in our fleet serve in the military and are spending time away from their families and loved ones. One of these members is a a crewman on the Typhon. As several of us have made sacrifices few compare to what these crewmen endure. Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.

As A new month is here I expect the post shall be too. The USS Odin is returning from the Planet Exeter with wounded Marines and I'll need the full support of the Medical and Operations departments. Security and intelligence shall push on in investigations that have been pending. I'm tasking our Executive officer with the yearly inspection of the station which shall begin this weekend.

Engineering needs to prepare to recieve the first sections of orbital construction platforms needed to assemble a fleet repair and starship construction yard.

I will getting in touch with all department heads with instructions. All and all theres much to be done. Lets begin

Happy Holidays



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