Crew Awards

Advancement Award Advancement Award
Awarded to individuals who pass a ship-based course of study as established by the Commanding Officer, be it inter-departmental training, phaser or combat training, or specialized departmental training.
Air  Medal Air Medal
Awarded for exemplary service while piloting a craft or ship
Bronze Star Bronze Star
Officers who put themselves in grave danger by going far beyond the normal call of duty qualify for this medal.

Captain's Honor Award Captain's Honor Award
Awarded to individuals deemed worthy by the Commanding Officer.
Character Development Ribbon Character Development Ribbon
Awarded to an individual who develops his or her character in a believable manner over a series of posts.
Civilian Contribution Ribbon Civilian Contribution Ribbon
Given in recognition of the great contributions a civilian player character makes to the game.
Commissioning Ribbon Commissioning Ribbon
Awarded to all individuals that actively participate in a ship’s Shakedown Cruise.
Crew's Choice Award Crew's Choice Award
Awarded to the most outstanding player of the month as voted on by the crew.
Cupid Award Cupid Award
Given for a well-written, believable romantic relationship between two characters.
Distinguished Newcomer Award Distinguished Newcomer Award
This award is given to any new player that distinguishes themselves and makes themselves known to the other members of the ship.
Distinguished Volunteer Award Distinguished Volunteer Award
Awarded to an individual that volunteers their spare time to help the simm and/or the Fleet in a significant way, such as designing graphics for use on the site or helping with site maintenance
Doyle Mystery Award Doyle Mystery Award
Awarded to an individual that develops a Mystery storyline.
Duane Ribbon Duane Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that demonstrates exceptional writing skills.
Friendship Ribbon Friendship Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that develops a convincing and meaningful friendship with another character or NPC. (Romantic relationships qualify for the Ribbon de Amor instead.)
Funny Bone Award Funny Bone Award
Awarded to an individual that writes humorous posts.
Good Conduct Ribbon Good Conduct Ribbon
This ribbon is awarded to individuals that consistantly demonstrate the qualities of a Starfleet Officer, both on and off duty, as determined by the Commanding Officer.
Improvement Award Improvement Award
Awarded to an individual that shows a marked improvement from the previous month.
Longevity Cross Longevity Cross
Awarded for serving on the same ship for a period of 24 consecutive months.
Longevity Medal Longevity Medal
Awarded for serving on the same ship for a period of 12 consecutive months.
Longevity Ribbon Longevity Ribbon
Awarded for serving on the same ship for a period of 6 consecutive months.
Longevity Star Longevity Star
Awarded for serving on the same ship for a period of 18 consecutive months.
Marksmanship Award Marksmanship Award
For recognition of firearm abilities.
Mission Development Ribbon Mission Development Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that is instrumental in developing the current mission through quality, easy to understand posts.
Non Player Character Ribbon Non Player Character Ribbon
Awarded for the detailed creation and use of Non-Player Characters.
Player of the Month Award Player of the Month Award
Awarded to an individual that goes above and beyond what is expected of them.
Given on an individual sim level
Purple Heart Purple Heart
Awarded to an individual seriously injured in the line of duty. (A detailed description of the incident is required.)
(Level 2 Award)
Recruitment Ribbon Recruitment Ribbon
Awarded for successfully recruiting someone.
Rivalry Ribbon Rivalry Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that develops a convincing and heated rivalry with another character or NPC.
Teamwork Award Teamwork Award
Awarded to the crew member that shows considerable talent in working with other crewmembers to create a winning plot line worthy of the vessel's reputation.
Tour of Duty: Breen Tour of Duty: Breen
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Breen space.
Tour of Duty: Cardassia Tour of Duty: Cardassia
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Cardassian space.
Tour of Duty: Deep Space Tour of Duty: Deep Space
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission in Deep space.
Tour of Duty: Dominion Space Tour of Duty: Dominion Space
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Dominion space.
Tour of Duty: Federation Space Tour of Duty: Federation Space
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission in the heart of Federation space.
Tour of Duty: Ferengi Tour of Duty: Ferengi
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Ferengi space.
Tour of Duty: Gorn Tour of Duty: Gorn
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Gorn space.
Tour of Duty: Klingon Tour of Duty: Klingon
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Klingon space.
Tour of Duty: Mirror Universe Tour of Duty: Mirror Universe
Awarded to all individuals that participate in a mission in a Mirror Universe.
Tour of Duty: Romulan Tour of Duty: Romulan
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Romulan space.
Tour of Duty: Tholian Tour of Duty: Tholian
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an authorized mission inside Tholian space.
Treknobabble Commendation Treknobabble Commendation
Awarded to players who work treknobabble into their posts, making the fantastic sound believable.
Unsung Hero Award Unsung Hero Award
While heroism is often recognized, the silent and ever ready support crew can be overlooked. They are the ones who are always there to back us up, and their support makes the real difference when the heat is on. This award can only be applied to In Character actions.
Warrior's Soul Award Warrior's Soul Award
For writing believable and exciting battle posts.
50 Posts 50 Posts
For completing 50 posts (mission posts, joint mission posts and/or personal logs) on one simm.
100 Posts 100 Posts
For completing 100 posts (mission posts, joint mission posts and/or personal logs) on one simm.

200 Posts 200 Posts
For completing 200 posts (mission posts, joint mission posts and/or personal logs) on one simm.

300 Posts 300 Posts
For completing 300 posts (mission posts, joint mission posts and/or personal logs) on one simm.

400 Posts 400 Posts
For completing 400 posts (mission posts, joint mission posts and/or personal logs) on one simm.

The Monopoly Award The Monopoly Award
Awarded to player characters who find themselves not passing go nor collecting two hundred dollars (also known as being tossed in the brig) during a mission.
Academy Honors Award Academy Honors Award
Awarded to an individual that successfully passes Cadet Training with honors.
Given out by Academy Commandant.
(Level 2 Award)
Academy Ribbon Academy Ribbon
Awarded to an individual that successfully passes Cadet Training.
(Level 2 Award)
Carl Rogers Citation for Compassion Carl Rogers Citation for Compassion
Awarded for excellence in the Counselling field.
Chancellor Gorkon Peace Award Chancellor Gorkon Peace Award
This award is given to individuals that play a key role in establishing peace between two or more conflicting parties.
Command Academy Ribbon Command Academy Ribbon
Awarded to those who successfully complete the Command Academy.
Command Honors Command Honors
Awarded to an individual that successfully passes Command Training with honors.
(Level 2 Award)
Cross of Valor Cross of Valor
Awarded for extraordinary bravery in the heat of battle.
(Level 2 Award)
Dedication Cross Dedication Cross
For selfless dedication of one's time to help the sim and the other players, both in and out of character.
Level 2 award.
Departmental Distinction Award: Command Departmental Distinction Award: Command
Awarded to an individual that serves with distinction in the Command Departments. (Includes Command, Strategic Operations and Flight Control.)
(Level 2 Award)
Departmental Distinction Award: Marine Departmental Distinction Award: Marine
Awarded to an individual that serves with distinction in the marine department (including marine ground forces and marine aviation).
Departmental Distinction Award: Science Departmental Distinction Award: Science
Awarded to an individual that serves with distinction in the Science Department. (Including Science, Medical and Counseling)
Departmental Distinction Award: Service Departmental Distinction Award: Service
Awarded to an individual that serves with distinction in the Service Departments. (Includes Engineering, Security, Tactical and Operations.)
Departmental Distinction Award: Support Departmental Distinction Award: Support
Awarded to an individual that serves with distinction in the Support Departments. (Includes Intelligence, Diplomatic, Starfleet Aviation.)
Desert Fox Order of Tactics Desert Fox Order of Tactics
This award is presented to an individual who plays a key part in developing new tactics while in ground combat. (Sample posts are required.)
Engineering Development Award Engineering Development Award
Awarded to Engineering personnel who make an engineering discovery.
(Level 2 Award)
Enigma Ribbon of Excellence Enigma Ribbon of Excellence
Awarded to an individual who has shown prowess in the field of intelligence, by uncovering a spy, obtaining vital information for the Federation, protecting someone from an assassination attempt et cetera. (Sample posts are required.)
First Contact First Contact
Awarded to any individual that actively participates in a First Contact encounter. (A detailed description of the incident is required.)
(Level 2 Award)
Flying Cross Flying Cross
Awarded to individuals that display courage and bravery in combat while piloting a ship, support craft or starfighter. (A detailed description of the incident is required.)
Horatio Nelson Citation Horatio Nelson Citation
Awarded for developing a new ship-to-ship manoeuvre.
Humanitarian Award Humanitarian Award
Awarded to an individual that helps relieve the suffering of others.
(Level 2 Award)
Humboldt Award Humboldt Award
Awarded to an individual that creates a new species.
(Level 2 Award)
Instructor's Ribbon Instructor's Ribbon
Awarded to any individual that serves as an instructor in the Academy for a period of at least 3 months.
(Level 2 Award)
Joint Service Ribbon Joint Service Ribbon
Awarded to all individuals that participate in an approved mission involving two or more simms.
(Level 2 Award)
Matt Jefferies Volunteer Award Matt Jefferies Volunteer Award
Awarded to those working out of character to keep the websites going, do graphics work or write recruiting ads, without whom our games would not go very far.
Medal of Honor Medal of Honor
Awarded for extreme bravery in the heat of battle.
(Level 2 Award)
Medical Discovery Award Medical Discovery Award
Awarded to Medical personnel who make a medical discovery.
Nemesis Award Nemesis Award
For the development of a convincing adversary.
(Level 2 Award)
Original Thinking Award Original Thinking Award
Awarded to an individual that comes up with an original idea during a mission. (Sample Posts are required.)
Pour le Merite Award Pour le Merite Award
A player who demonstrates supreme posting quality and quantity, finds ways to involve their character(s) meaningfully into the main plot and side stories and often involves other players in joint posts shall be eligible for this award.
POW Award POW Award
Awarded to any individual held captive by an enemy force for a period of at least 14 days. (A detailed description of the incident is required.)
Scientific Discovery Award Scientific Discovery Award
Awarded to Science personnel who make a scientific discovery.
Skald Award Skald Award
Players who exhibit excellence in storytelling and who use beautiful language to entertain not just the writers of the posts but also the readers, are eligible for this award. Also, posts must be written with near flawless spelling and grammar.
Admiral's Choice Award Admiral's Choice Award
Awarded to individuals or simms deemed worthy by the Admiralty.
CO of the Quarter Award CO of the Quarter Award
Awarded quarterly to honor the Commanding Officer deemed worthy by the Admiralty.
Picard CO of the Year Award Picard CO of the Year Award
Awarded in January of each year to honor the Commanding Officer deemed worthy by the Admiralty.
(Level 3 Award)
Sim of the Quarter Sim of the Quarter
Awarded quarterly to honor the Sim deemed worthy by the Admiralty.

The Sim of the Quarter Award is given to the Sim that best exhibits the qualities of a Theta Fleet Sim, as determined by the Admiralty
Sim of the Quarter Sim of the Quarter
Awarded quarterly to honor the Sim deemed worthy by the Admiralty.

The Sim of the Quarter Award is given to the Sim that best exhibits the qualities of a Theta Fleet Sim, as determined by the Admiralty.
Spock XO of the Year Award Spock XO of the Year Award
Awarded in January of each year to honor the Executive Officer deemed worthy by the Admiralty.
(Level 3 Award)
Theta Fleet Player of the Month Award Theta Fleet Player of the Month Award
Awarded to an individual that goes above and beyond what is expected of them, as determined by the Admiralty.
Theta Fleet Player of the Year Theta Fleet Player of the Year
Awarded in January of each year to honor the Player deemed worthy by the Admiralty.
(Level 3 Award)
Unit of Distinction: Bronze Unit of Distinction: Bronze
Monthly award given to the simm in a Task Group that shows the highest level of activity and participation as determined by the TGCO.
(Level 3 Award)
Unit of Distinction: Silver Unit of Distinction: Silver
For the outstanding unit of hte month. Given out by the TFCO.
(Level 2 Award)
Unit of Distinction: Gold Unit of Distinction: Gold
Monthly award given to the simm in Theta Fleet that shows the highest level of activity and participation as determined by the Senior Staff.
(Level 3 Award)
Web Award - Banner Web Award - Banner
The Banner of a ship site is important for attracting new members. This award is given twice a year to the ship that has the best Banner as determined by the Admiralty.
Web Award - Main Page Web Award - Main Page
The Main Page of a ship site is important for attracting new members. This award is given twice a year to the ship that has the best Main Page as determined by the Admiralty.
XO of the Quarter XO of the Quarter
Awarded quarterly to honor the Executive Officer deemed worthy by the Admiralty.

The XO of the Quarter Award is given to the Executive Officer that best exhibits the qualities of a Theta Fleet Executive Officer, as determined by the Admiralty.