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Sun Sep 5th, 2010 @ 1:18pm

Commander Lucas Jackson

Name Lucas Andrew Jackson

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Orion
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 5"
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Light-Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description You would never be able to tell right away that Luke's half Orion, or even Orion at all - something some-what liked among the Jackson family. Like most Orion males, Luke's taller and more muscular than an average human. His muscles aren't body-builder huge, but they're definitely predominant. Luke also possesses a rock-hard 8-pack. However, unlike an Orion, his skin is tanned ("human color") with a hint of green. Luke grows out his hair, creating something between a surfer-look and clean-cut.


Spouse Single
Children None
Father Phillip Jackson
Mother Phoebe Jackson
Brother(s) Christopher Jackson, USS Endeavor
Sister(s) None
Other Family Grandfather: Vice Admiral Arnold Jackson, Grandmother: Elizabeth Jackson

Personality & Traits

General Overview He likes to joke around and have fun as much as possible, but he never lets that get in the way of his work. During duty, you wouldn't be able to break the seriousness out of his personality with a whip. The quick-temper of Orions is present at times, but it is mostly repressed. Luke enjoys being sarcastic when appropriate, even with higher-ranking officers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

-He sometimes can't control his anger and strength
-He can get cocky once in a while
-His determined personality can lead to a stubborn attitude
Ambitions -Make other people's lives easier by doing his job correctly
-Captain his own vessel
-Become head of the Fleet's Science Department
Hobbies & Interests -"Joy-riding"
-Pulling pranks
-Track & Field
-Working out
Languages Federation Standard, Orion Script


Lucas (Luke) Andrew Jackson was born to Phillip (Orion) and Phoebe (Human) Jackson on June 14, 2358 in SanFrancisco, California, on Earth.

When on a humanitarian mission in the Orion System, Phoebe Jackson met and fell in love with Phi'lo Seja. He was different than the rest - he was not like the Orion "stereotype." Phoebe bought Phi'lo a seat on a transporter, and they flew back to Earth together.

Once they reached Earth, the couple consulted a family-doctor, and they safely changed the color of Phi'lo's skin. Soon after, they got married under the names Phillip and Phoebe Jackson. 10 months later, Lucas was born.

Shortly after Luke was born, his family moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, Earth. The city was home to prominent science and flight institutes. When he turned six years old, Lucas was sent to the famous Grand Rapid's Science Academy. Luke stayed enrolled in the school until he graduated at the age of 18. After taking a post-graduation trip to the Jupiter Station, Luke enrolled into StarFleet.

With hours of study during the day and parties and pranks during the night, Lucas graduated from the Academy with high honors. He was also elected as the class's president. He quickly moved up through the command chain to his current position of Lieutenant Commander aboard the USB Typhon.
Service Record Requested as Chief Astronomer aboard the Jupiter Station as Ensign - *stardate* (July 16, 2382)

Transferred to Assistant Chief Science Officer aboard the Jupiter Station Lieutenant (JG) - *stardate* (October 29, 2383)

Transferred to Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Redeemer as Lieutenant - *stardate* (February 14, 2384)

Promoted to Lieutenant Commander aboard the USS Redeemer - *stardate* (December 20, 2384

Transferred to the USB Typhon as Chief Science Officer as Lieutenant Commander - Stardate 64566.68 (December 13, 2386/2009)

Promoted to Commander aboard the USB Typhon - Stardate 64937.42 (May 1, 2387/2010)