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Sun May 9th, 2010 @ 4:42am

Commander Jason Reid

Name Jason Reid

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Jason is a tall man. He stands at 6 feet and Zero inches. His weight makes him skinny as it is 135 lbs. His blue eyes go great with his blonde hair. However, his hair brightens his crisp tan skin. He has a muscular figure. His abs show through his tight medical blue uniform


Spouse None
Children None
Father John
Mother Alexandria
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) none
Other Family Uncle Ben Reid-Starfleet Admiral

Personality & Traits

General Overview The Betazoid man as a good personality overall. He is a closed minded person. His peers and coworksers think he is a respecful young man. He doesn't lie because it is unbecoming of his species. He is an honorable trustworthy young man. He believes that in being truthful will some day get him to a higher position. Hopefully, a commanding officer position. He never looks down on people; he always gives them a chance. Jason is very stubborn. He will not budge.
Strengths & Weaknesses One of his strengths is that he can be a leader. His leading skills stand out as he loves to give orders. He also has an honesty strength. He can not tell a lie. Well in some cases he could. His weaknesses include being afraid under pressure. He doesn't show it though. He always has a smile on his face. He also hates getting in trouble. Something-like back talking his CO- might happen
Ambitions He has always wanted to be the CO. One day, Jason hopes that his accomplishments will earn him the rank of captain . After a few years in the center chair, he would like to sit behind a desk as an admiral. He hopes to retire to a life of teaching the academy medical classes.
Hobbies & Interests Jason likes to play darts on the holodeck. Every now and again, he likes to write and act in a holonovel. He doesn't know what he would do with holo technology. Since he was a child, he has had an interest in holo technolgy and star ships. However, he would never use an EMH to save his life.
Languages Klingon Federation Bajoran Romulan

Personal History ****Youth and Academy****

Jason Reid was born, January 10th to John and Alexandria Reid. Both of them are Betazoids; however, he was born on Earth in the U.S. Jason spent his young days, going back and fourth between his parents' assignments. He had resented them for a bit because of this, but he got over it when they resign their commision because of him. At the age of fifteen, while they were moving to Betazed, Jason got the letter saying he had been accepted to the Acadmy as a Medical Student. He was so excited, he called his uncle, who is Commodore Frece, and everyone else to tell them. They were least bit surprised as during his school years, he had made straight A's.

During his acadmy years, he was dedicated to his studies and therefore, didn't look for a woman. He finished the academy within three years. He had made straight A's. Well, except for the B he got in Star-fleet history. He was known at the academy, for being a goody goody. He always did as he was told. All of his teachers thought that he was one of their best students. Upon his graduation, he was promoted to Ensign and put on the USS Da-Vinci

****USS Da-Vinci****
When he was placed upon the Da-Vinci, he was at the rank of ensign. The postion he held was a Medical Officer. He stayed there following everyone's orders. Jason thought that just staying there as a medical officer wouldn't get him anywhere. He put in a request to transfer. It was denied because he had only been there for six months. But, it was approved six months later, when he refused to kill a man. He thought it was against the oath he had taken.

****USS Ticonderoga****
The USS Ticonderoga, which was commanded by Captain (Admiral now) Reid, was where he was transferred. He was given a more senior position and rank. The Assistant Chief Medical Officer. Everyone got along with him great. Well, except for the XO. She thought he would get in the way if the CO had to chose between the ship and him. Two years later, the ship, which was Constitution class, was decommisioned. All the personnel was transferred. Some were promoted. His uncle and he was among them. His uncle becoming Commodore, and him becoming Lt.

****USS Tigris****
As soon as the Ticonderoga was decommisioned, he was placed on the Tigris. He was still in the position of ACMO. He liked his knew CMO in looks and on duty. However, he did not like the Captain of the Tigris. He was such a nagger. Everything you did, he always had a problem with. Reluctantly, after they had an argument over him being such a nagger, he was transferred to the Typhoon. Before the transfer, the admiralty decided that he should be promoted. And so it was. He now held the rank of Lt. Commander.

****USS Typhoon****
The Typhoon was the proudest ship to Jason. He was now a lt. Cmdr and held the position of Chief Medical Offcer. He could move anyone he wanted to out of the way. Or so he thought. His accomplishments on the Typhoon were few, but great. On an away mission, he ended up killing a few people trying to make a vaccine for a disease they had. However, a few tests later, the killings were remedied with him finding a vaccine and curing the away team and government team's disease.

He had his fair share of losses though. Especially, when it came to women. He had two girl friends on the Typhoon. The only problem, was that they were at the same time. On a ship that small, word gets around pretty quickly. They found out he had been sleeping with the other and broke up with them. Jason couldn't stand it anymore, and transferred after a year to Star-base Sapphire.

****Star-base Sapphire****
Jason had only gotten to know a few of the crew. He was only there for a while. However, he was not able to gain a promotion to Commander. He was not so proud that he told everyone. After six months there, he grew weary of the place and decided to transfer to an Intrepid Class Starship called the Galindo

****USS Galindo****
After serving aboard the USS Galindo for two years, Jason got tired of counseling. He petitioned for command. It was approved. Jason was promoted to commander. He was given the commanded of the USS Mimas.

****USS Mimas*****
It is a Luna Class Vessel. Current position.
Service Record USS Da-Vinci-1 Year Ensign-MO
USS Ticonderoga-2 Years- Lt JG
USS Nina-Three Months-LT -ACMO
USS Typhoon- one year-Lt CMDR-CMO
Starbase Sapphire- Six Months-Lt. CMDR
USS Galindo-LT CmDR-Two Years