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Sat May 1st, 2010 @ 5:02pm

Captain Jensen Albertson (USS Blackhawk- CO)

Name Jensen Glenn Albertson (USS Blackhawk- CO)

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 178 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Jensen is the bright eyed young man of 36, he has short brown hair and deep soulful eyes. He keeps in shape eating well and getting balanced exercise.


Spouse Nicholas Covington
Children Johnathan Covington (14)
Father Peter Albertson
Mother Mary Albertson
Sister(s) Jennel Albertson (Twin - Stllborn)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jensen Albertson Serves as the USS Blackhawk's Commanding Officer and is completely devoted to his husband Retired Vice Admiral Nicholas Covington and there 14 year old son Johnny.

Full of love for his family Jensen is happy with where his career takes him and has refused his own command in the past to remain with them.
Strengths & Weaknesses Excellent Tactician and strategic mind.

Can become distracted easily especially with matters of family.
Ambitions To be a family man.
Hobbies & Interests Parisis Squares, Martial Arts, Holonovels, Spending time with family.
Languages Federation Standard, Bajoran, Klingon

Personal History Born in 2352, to Peter and Mary Alberson on Mars, He was born a twin his twin sister however died in childbirth. He was then raised as an only child, his father was a ship designer at utopia planitia Fleet yards, and worked on the gallexy and nebula class projects.

In 2370 Jensen attended the acadamy he was well known as a prankster, however he still did very well in his classes. and graduated in the top ten percential for his year.

After graduation he was assigned to the USS Lexington, as a flght controler it was he he first met his husband, the Lexington's second officer and chief tactical/security officer. where they became good friends. His Service on the lexington was varied as the dominion war was just begaining as he graduated the acadamy and with the compleaion of the war in 2375 and the ships return to scientific missions.

Jensen and Nick would be parted when Jensen was transfered to the USS Aries, where he served as a tactical officer for two years, before he was assigned as the Cheif Tactical officer of Starbase 75. He would later be reunited with Nick Covington a Captain working for statigic operaton for the fleet In the sector Before being promoted to Admiral as station commander.

Jensen would marry Nick in 2383 Just months before Nicks Promotion to admiral.

The couple then transfered to the USS Blackhawk, Under Admiral Covingtons command. Just months after taking command of the Blackhawk, the ship was caught in a subspace rift and shared space with the mirror universe when he met a young boy that was the orphan son of the counterparts of his twin sister and his husband. Nick and Jensen decided to adopt the boy as there own son and bring him back to our universe.

Shortly after this Nick suffered a rare nerological disorder resulting in a coma, It was shortly after he returned to active duty that Nick Choose to retire his commission, and Jensen was granted command of the USS Blackhawk.
Service Record 2370 - 2374 Starfleet Acadamy
2374 - 2375 ENS - Fiight Control officer - USS Lexington
2375 - 2378 LTJG - Cheif Flight Control Officer - USS Lexington
2378 - 2380 LT - Tactical Officer - USS Aries
2380 - 2386 LCDR - Chief Tactical Officer - Starbase 75
2386 - 2388 CDR - Chief Stratigic Operations Officer - USS Blackhawk
2388 - Present CAPT - Commanding officer - USS Blackhawk