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Fri May 28th, 2010 @ 7:01am

Lieutenant Commander Aishel Enor [Blackhawk]

Name Aishel Enor [Blackhawk]

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Joined Trill
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 148 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Aishel is a beta Trill female with very dark spots that run down both sides of her body. She is very curvy yet muscular. Her long hair is an unremarkable brown in color, yet her skin is a natural tan. This, combined with her sharp features and unusual eyes, makes her a striking woman. Her eyes are perhaps her best feature: they look purple in bright light, dark green in shadow, and pale blue from the side. Her hands, while slender, usually have calluses and broken fingernails. She is often seen wearing very large hoop earrings, but will put in something else if told to do so.


Father Jolin Karal
Mother Melene Karal
Brother(s) Ralen Karal
Sister(s) Elzea Rena

Personality & Traits

General Overview Aishel is a bright friendly person who has learned early the important lesson of being comfortable with who she is and where she is in her life and her attitude reflects this. She is normally seen smiling and humming some tune whether classical Trill or Betazoid music, or classic Country from Earth. She enjoys a good party but likes her work as an engineer. She is pretty easy going but will not allow people to step out of line. If you goof off, or act like a jerk, she will let you have it. At the same time, she will give much praise for good work. She also has a love of life seen in few people
Strengths & Weaknesses + Engines
+ Replicators
+ Computers
+ Tactical Systems
+ Structural Integrity
+ Patient Most of the Time
+ Friendly
+ Team Worker
+ Energetic
+ Fun Loving

- Transporters
- Holodecks
- Impatient with goofs or jerks
- Bad dancer but loves to dance
- Sings when she�s not aware of it
- Becoming a holodeck addict
- A lot of nervous energy
Ambitions When Aishel was young, her two ambitions were to be joined and to become a Starfleet captain. After being joined she found that her ambitions have changed and that she now wants to be head of Starfleet Corps of Engineers and have a family.
Hobbies & Interests Trill and Betazoid music, 21st Century Country music, holodecks, holonovels, holomovies, swimming laps, competition diving, singing, reading engineering journals, poker, pool, dabo, racquetball, positronics, painting
Languages Federation Standard, Trill, Klingon, Andorian

Personal History Aishel was born to a researcher and a Starfleet engineer on the USS Leo. Neither of her parents had been joined, but it was Aishel's dream to be joined and be a starship captain. She wanted to be a Starfleet Captain and go into battle like Kirk and Picard. She entered the Daystrom Institute and received a degree in warp mechanics at age 19. That year she entered the Symbiosis Institute and was accepted as the new host to the Enor symbiont who was almost 450 years old. Once she was joined she had a hard time sorting her selves out. The strongest personality by far was her fifth host, Telkas. He had been eccentric, living on the edge, always going over the line. He was also a very celebrated artist and passed on his ability and creativity to the new hosts. Finally she learned to take his love of life and make it her own, but lessened. During the academy she had many friends. She tutored other cadets in engineering and exploring Earth's city of San Francisco. In her first year she was almost thrown out of the Academy when she went to an off-limits archeological site and broke one of their machines for a dare. Yet because of her good grades she graduated with honors and was assigned to the USS Hera. There she was overshadowed by the brilliance of one engineer, LtJG Sharan den-Selos. Den-Selos was a wizard at fixing anything mechanical and thrived on it. But he was a very likable guy and they became good friend, Sharan taking her under his wing and teaching her everything he know. Soon she was just as good as he was and a friendly rivalry sprung up between them. Sharan was transferred to another ship but to this day they stayed in touch.

Aishel took a transfer to the USS Virgo, a galaxy class starship, where she was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. She was an asset to the department and received a letter of commendation for her quick thinking during an attack on the ship. If she had not considered the possibility of rerouting commands through the ODN network instead of the EPS system, the ship would have been dead in the water and destroyed.

She was transferred two years later to the Sojourner, a Sovereign class, and received a promotion to full lieutenant and assistant chief engineer. Aishel was now the assistant to the person in charge of the entire department. LCdr Redding was a tremendous help teaching her what she needed to know to manage the department. Aishel was getting closer to her goal of becoming head of Starfleet's Corps of Engineers, and she was getting excited. Finally, having had enough of her zealous attitude, Redding took her aside and told her to calm down. She was only a Lieutenant and lieutenants were a dime a dozen. Celebrate later down the line. She saw his logic and soon was her former cheery self. When the ship's five year tour was over, she was assigned to the USS Blackhawk with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander and Chief Engineer.

Note: After being joined she inherited a large fortune from her last host who did not want her greedy family taking her money.

Albrin Enor, Male
Senator before Trill joined the Federation. He was married with 2 children, but when they grew up, he hardly knew them because he spent so much time working. He did, however, take his family for vacations in the wintry mountains of the southern hemisphere. Workaholic

Tenai Enor, Male
Engineer. Tested all his own stuff, even warp seven warp cores. He eventually married rather late in life (36) and had 3 sons and one daughter. He had the kind of marriage people dream of. His wife died of Ruthalian Fever at 80, he died a year later at 87. He had a weakness for chocolate that carried on through Enor to the present. Intense, passionate, loving.

Sobin Enor, Male
Architect. He designed several important buildings around the Federation. He was very eccentric in his beliefs. He never married. He loved anything and everything to do with non-Federation architecture, often incorporating it into his work and giving him a unique style. He loved Earth music and earth beverages: beer, mead, tequila, vodka, bloody mary, 20th and 21st century Country and Rock music. He was flamboyant, eccentric, and a little intense.

Telkas Enor, Male
Artist. He was very gifted painter, painting mainly scenes from various afterlives across the quadrant. In his painting he drew inspiration from DaVinci and Vulcan from the time of the Enlightenment. He was also homosexual and it has been carried through Enor ever since. He went on to teach at the University of Betazed. Is most famous for his portrayals of Valhalla, Sto'Vo'Kor and Heaven. His most critically acclaimed piece is perhaps Fire Below, where the demons of Hell are torturing sinners for eternity. He was a man of contradictions: quiet yet intense, reserved yet passionate.

Nilani Enor, Female
Professional Surfer. She regretted that she never married. She won several championships throughout the Federation for her skill with the board. She was bisexual due to Telkas and was the typical beach babe after being joined. Still, she wished she had done something more for her symbiont than experience sun, surf, and sand.

Emra Enor, Female
Federation Councilor. She promoted and pushed through several reforms that had a positive impact on the populace. Was married to Torin for 65 years and had 4 children. She was lady-like, aristocratic, demure when needed, and stubborn when needed. She was also bisexual due to Telkas.

Torin Enor, Male
Starfleet Officer. Captain of the USS Hastings. Was the father of two adopted children, both boys. His husband is still alive. He was a strong, confident man.

Jorias Enor, Male
University Professor. He died in a shuttle accident. He was also bisexual due to Telkas. He was a outgoing friendly man with lots of girl- and boyfriends.

Ilsa Enor, Female
Businesswoman. She owned the largest business in jewels and jewelry in three sectors. Had an extremely large art collection including Jim Booth, Stephen Gunter, and Telkas Enor, her former host. She was bisexual, but preferred men. She never married and had no family that wasn't interested in her for only her money, so she willed everything to the next host.
Service Record Ens, Engineer, USS Hera
Ens, Engineer, USS Virgo
Promotion to LtJG
Lt, ACEO, USS Sojourner
LCdr, CEO, USS Blackhawk