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Sun May 9th, 2010 @ 4:42am

Lieutenant JG Yuir Sidorov

Name Yuir Sidorov

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 0 lbs
Hair Color Brown & Blond
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Many would consider Yuri as something of a baby-faced intellectual. He is slightly smaller than the average man, so he is noticeablely toner than most. He keeps himself shaved and his hair nice.


Personality & Traits

General Overview 1. Doesn't like being called a 'martian', this is considered a slur against all Marsmen.
2. Hates shape changers, due to the attempted infiltrations by the Founders on Earth.
3. Hates the Q, because he was possessed by one while on the USS Ark Royal.

Strengths & Weaknesses Yuri is cool under fire. He has a lot of experience as a security officer and can take command of a ship if need be (he has twice before joining the USS Blackhawk).

Some times he doesn't look before he leaps.

Ambitions He believes the only place in the Universe for him is on board a star ship. It is what he has always pursued.
Hobbies & Interests 1. Has an interest in the American Old West, and in fact decorates his quarters in an old western motif (though it reflects many of 20th Century Hollywood's inaccuracies). Sidorov also owns a pair of Remington .44-40 cal. 'six shooters'.

2. He is an avid guitar player. He plays blues, but this interest, has also enhanced his interest in the western stuff. On the holodeck he can be found playing a 'singing cowboy'.
Languages Standard, Martok (a street dialect of standard spoken on Mars),

Personal History Though his parents were from the city of Moscow Earth, Yuri was born on Mars. His parents never forgot their Russian roots and instilled those values in their son.

After growing up in a city where star ship construction is the major industry, Yuri always
pictured himself on one of the majestic ships.

Through out his school career he striven for excellence, graduating near the top of his class. He carried this attitude with him to the Star Fleet Academy, again graduating near the top of his class.

Though he still wanted to go to space, and excelled at star ship related subjects, it was found that his talents were best in the area of security. So, upon graduation, he was assigned to Star Fleet Head Quarters in San Francisco, on Earth, where he served with distinction, as a member of an Admiral's personal security team.

Through the whole time, while he was stationed at S.F.H.Q., he relentlessly pursued a position, any position, on a star ship. Several years later, he got his wish, was assigned to the USS Ark Royal, and later made the Chief of Ops. at the Avalon Fleet Yards.

During the Chakilian war (During which the Avalon Fleet Yards were evacuated) , Yuri Sidorov was assigned as XO to the USS Cobra (the Cobra was among the mothballed ships quickly put into service, in the hopes that TF-44 would recapture AFY and defeat the Chaks).

Soon after the launch of the Cobra, she was given the mission of helping to capture Riley's Freehold, which before the war, was a resort,
independent starbase, and the only known source of honey spice.

Before arriving at Riley's Freehold, Cmdr. John Thayer, the Cobra's captain was killed in a accident and Yuri assumed command.

After successful completion of the mission, the USS Cobra was transferred with the rest of Task Force 44 to Sol (AFY was taken back, and TF-58 replaced Greymist in the Raeyan Sector). In-route to Sol and an inquiry in the death of Cmdr. Thayer (with the possibility of charges of mutiny), The Cobra and it's crew were captured by a mysterious 'Black Ship'.

The Black Ship, was a self-aware ship with the appearant ability to travel through time and space. After a few weeks the USS Cobra and her crew were released. All exept Sidorov.

Seven Years Later: Lt. Yuri Sidorov reappeared in the Raeyan Sector, aboard a badly damaged late 22nd century Paris Class star ship, the USS Omaha. Again in temperary command.
Service Record First Posting: Starfleet HQ Security detachment, Earth
Second Posting: USS Ark Royal, Chief of Ops
Third Posting: Avalon Fleet Yards, Chief of Ops
Fourth Posting: USS Cobra, X.O.
Fifth Posting: Temporary command of the USS Cobra, Missing in Action.
Sixth Posting: Temporary command of the USS Omaha.