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Sun May 9th, 2010 @ 4:42am

Captain Rodrigo Ramos

Name Rodrigo Savrek Ramos

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Romulan
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 3"
Weight 225 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Athletic, Well-muscled, with his most prominent features being the slight greenish tinge to his skin, and his ears of course


Father Savrek of the Romulan Star Empire (Executed)
Mother Racquel Rafaela Ramos
Sister(s) Felicia Hashimatsu (Adopted)
Other Family Rafael and Gabriela Ramos (his Maternal Grandparents)Shavrak and t'Prina (Paternal Grandparents who are currently in hiding)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Very withdrawn at first until you get to know him. Driven to accomplish anything set in front of him. He is very concerned with being a person of integrity, and is honest and loyal to his friends and family.
Strengths & Weaknesses Is very good with others, both with work and play. Is very well-versed in literature and music as well as anything to do with Martial Arts and weapons.

He does not handle rejection well, though, and has been known to indulge in drinking when he feels down and out. He also has the strangest capability to say or do the wrong thing at the wrong time when he is around a woman who he is attracted to.
Ambitions To continue serving in Starfleet and eventually have a command of his own. He also desires to have a wife and family when he is able to find the right woman.
Hobbies & Interests Martial Arts, building models, dancing, camping, hunting, fishing, and practicing with weapons.
Languages Fed Standard, Romulan, Vulcan, Klingon, and Japanese

Personal History His mother was taken prisoner a few years before the war with the Dominion. She came to care for the Romulan Centurion she was held captive by, and Rodrigo was conceived shortly thereafter, in the year 2359. Racquel, his mother was murdered by the Tal Shiar, a few years later. The Centurion, Savrek, feared for their young son's life, and took him to Vulcan, where his maternal grandparents came and brought him back to Earth to live with his mother's family Earth. He grew up quickly, and entered the Academy at the age of 17.

Before his grandparents arrived on Vulcan, young Rodrigo spent several months learning how to control the telepathic abilities that he had developed. He found out in a last message from his father that his family on that side, had strong telepathic abilities. Rodrigo was confused by the emergence of this new talent, and maintained contact with the Vulcan embassy on earth to learn how to better control it.

While he lived with his grandparents in Venezuela, he quickly learned the language and the culture. He was 7 when he came to live with them and already spoke Romulan and Spanish fluently. He had several friends in school who were exchange students from Japan, and went himself as an exchange student for two years to Tokyo when he was 12. There he learned about Martial Arts and The Code of Bushido. Since that time he has mastered the Japanese language and has earned a black belt in Kung Fu, Karate, and Aikido.

His life has been touched by both sorrow and joy many times. Shortly after he entered the Academy, he learned of his grandparents death, and was deeply troubled for sometime since this left him without any family whatsoever. One of his classmates, Felicia Hashimatsu, was a childhood friend of his who he had met during his time in Japan. Her family had been the family he stayed with during that time, and he had become very close to all of them during his stay there. When Felicia's father heard the news, he adopted Rodrigo into their family as his Ichiro-san. (First Son) Since their only son had died as a child, Kaji's move to adopt Rodrigo essentially named hi as the heir to the Hashimatsu Estate near Modern-Day Tokyo. He has promised Felicia her share of the Estates as her own, out of respect for her family and all that they have done for him.
Service Record Upon Graduating from the Academy with high marks in the Tactical and Command areas, as well as being in the top 5 of his Minor in Security/Intelligence operations. He served aboard the USS Hokkaido for his Cadet Cruise. He served in the Roles of Tactical Crewman, and Security Crewman. From there he transferred to the USS Ragnarok, where he again served for a time as a Tactical Crewman and as the assistant Chief Tactical Officer. When he heard that there was a New Orleans class Frigate with the Security/Tactical Position available, he requested the transfer to the USS Trafalgar.

Stardate:23830516 - Promoted to Lieutenant JG and Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Ramos walked into the USS Trafalgar to find that the Security Department was either behind bars or releaved of duty due to the death of Lt. Annette Rogers, CSTO, and her possible personal involvement in the murder of Captain Masoch.

Things reach a boiling point when sabotage devices are found aboard the USS Trafalgar, three members of her staff are attacked and placed in sickbay, Lt. (jg) Cannon is almost murdered in sickbay and phaser fire is reported on Deck 2 near the quarters of the Commanding Officer. Ramos leads an investigation to help identify members of a Brotherhood of Kro'al cell that have infested the USS Trafalgar.

In recognition for these actions, Captain Jessica Connor promoted Ramos to Lieutenant JG and names his as the new Chief Security/Tactical Officer.

In 2383, due to injuries sustained in the line of duty that were repaired by LT(jg) Nunez, CMO of the USS TRAFALGAR, LT(jg) Ramos left the Trafalgar, to return to earth for shore leave and reassignment. His hopes of reassignment were dashed however, until he received word that he would be able to enlist in the marines, and keep his rank as long as he went in as a commissioned officer. He graduated at the top of his class and is currently en route to his first assignment as the Marine CO aboard the USS BLACKHAWK.