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Sat May 22nd, 2010 @ 5:19pm

Lieutenant JG Andrew Townsend (USS Blackhawk)

Name Andrew Townsend (USS Blackhawk)

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 163 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Seemingly unremarkable, this is someone you'd loose in a crowd, just about 5ft and a half in height, with close cropped dark hair, Andy is a man used to going unnoticed for a lot of the time.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Lucas Townsend
Mother Cathy Townsend

Personality & Traits

General Overview A quiet type, he's not one to let something out unless he feels it needs to be said. Focused on his job, Andy will not let something go if it's unfinished, or isn't quite right. Some would say he's a workaholic, he claims to be someone who simply wants to get the job done.
Strengths & Weaknesses Able to spot patterns, and variations in them, Andrew is highly adept at noticing odd behavior. He can tell when someone is acting differently from their routine, and while he may not act on that information, he will store it.

A slight weakness is the compulsion to double-check, triple-check and often quadruple-check information. Some of his classmates called him an "Analyst Addict", but he is dealing with it, slowly.
Hobbies & Interests In his spare time, Andrew will go to the Holodeck. He had developed a findness for Mysteries, and has a collection of mystery programs he enjoys solving. The computer is under orders to vary the programs each time, so while the theme in each will be the same, the details will be altered, to give a brand new challenge.
Languages Terran, Klingon, Romulan (written)

Personal History Andy's future was cemented from the moment he was born, or so some would say. His mother was a prominent Starship Captain, while his father was a well-known member of the S.C.E.

Growing up, he had accepted that Starfleet would be his fate, but he vowed to make his own career, and not ride on the wings of his parents by following either of their careers. Instead, he shocked the family when he entered the Academy, and chose his Major. No one had pegged the boy for an Intel Spook, yet that was where his heart lied.

All his life, he had read the papers, listened to the news about the goings on of other species, and found himself wondering what lied beneath the surface, what made them truly tick, and what they were really thinking. This is what had spurred his need to know everything, and Starfleet’s Department of Intelligence would allow him to do just that.

With a Minor in System Mechanics, Andrew passed the Academy, and was admitted into the Intelligence Community. With that hurdle passed, he set his sights on the next challenge: finding an assignment.
Service Record Stardate 59674.3 -- 60553.6: First Year Starfleet Academy, Major: Intelligence, Minor: Engineering.
Stardate 60674.3 -- 61553.5: Second Year Starfleet Academy
Stardate 61674.3 -- 62553.4: Third Year Starfleet Academy
Stardate 62674.3 -- 63553.4: Fourth Year Starfleet Academy.
Stardate 63553.4: Promoted to Ensign
Stardate 63554.9 -- 64827.9: Starfleet Intelligence Headquarters
Stardate 64827.9: Meritorious promotion to Lieutenant, JG
Stardate 64827.9 -- PRESENT: Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Blackhawk