
  • 14 Mission Posts

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Sun Nov 22nd, 2015 @ 3:40am

Lieutenant Commander Leon Montana

Name Leon Montana [Ducati]

Position Assistant Chief Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Unjoined Trill
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Purple
Physical Description A tribal tattoo outlines his left eye and travels down his left cheek. He is extremely fit but with a little extra baggage around the middle. When off duty he often wears his pajamas everywhere although he delights in having outrageous themed pajamas ranging from the rainbow to pictures of the different starship classes to animals from all over the galaxy to abstract formations.


Father Dante Montana
Mother Elise Montana

Personality & Traits

General Overview He enjoys life and all its pleasures which is a factor for him becoming bisexual at an early age. He has moments when he may come across as more feminine but once his friends get to know him they will understand that is how he is. He is a socialite and loves to get into mischievous with his partners in crime aka his close friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is very social and easily distracted in public but can be focused when alone.
Ambitions The usual desire for a Captaincy.
Hobbies & Interests Hanging out with friends, holo novels, and swimming.
Languages Trill, English

Personal History Bisexual at an early age Leonard enjoyed his teenage years to the fullest and didn't really make any enemies. He was an average student in all subjects and decided to join Starfleet as soon as he was able.

Once an adult Leonard worked hard on his studies while he juggled a social life outside of school. He developed a circle of close friends that once of age all joined Starfleet with him and has kept in contact with them.
Service Record 2357 - born
2378 - joined Starfleet Academy
2381 - graduated and promoted to Ensign
2381 - assigned to the Osiris as Operations Officer
2383 - promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
2385 - promoted to Full Lieutenant
2385 - gained the position Chief Operations Officer of the Osiris
2387 - reassigned to the Blackhawk as Chief Operations Officer
2387 - promoted to Lieutenant Commander