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Mon Feb 7th, 2011 @ 2:18am

HRH Deloran Castlemere-Gates

Name HRH Deloran Ugenia Castlemere-Gates

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 44

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 135
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Ugenia is a tall and lovely Princess who has aged remarkably well, Tall and slender Human Female. A truely pleasent human to look upon. She can dress formally or casual and always turn a few heads.


Spouse Commited Playgirl Heiress
Children None
Father Notari Gates
Mother HRH Calidor Castlemere
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Duke Pulus Castlemere (79) Currently in exile.

Personality & Traits

General Overview A great attitude and calm demeanor. Above average common sence and very savy in politcal events. Shes not a flirt in any form and has excellent social skills. Ugenia is garded about her personal life. Most who meet her are unaware that she is the sole owner and CEO of the Minotar Corporation, one of the largest mining and shipping organisations in known space.
Strengths & Weaknesses Ugenia displays remarkable public intelligence after years of protocol training, she is reserved and gracefull in movement. People love her for her sincerity and willingness to listen. She is a well recieved monarch. Her popularity has closed her off from any or all personal relationships. The push has been on lately to find the princess a suitable mate... Her physical appearence terrifies most serious suitors.
Ambitions Ugenia longs to settle down and begin a family life. Her need for a strong male companion is driving her forward at the current time.
Hobbies & Interests She has been a philanthropist for any or all foundations envolving children. Her fourtune allows her to fund enormus medical research projects for the Federation and starfleet. She has a personal interest in Art and architecture.
Languages French, Spanish, Deloran, Terran

Personal History Born December 1st 2343 on the Island of Castlemere, a independant Republic of the coast of Italy on Earth. Her father was Natori Gates, the heir to the Gates foundation. Mother was HRH Qween Calidor Castlemere, ruler of the Republic of Castlemere. For her parents it was a marrige on demand, merging to of the wealthiest families in the federation.

By the time Ugenia was fourteen she was the sole heir of both fourtunes, her parents passing on. Her teen years were difficult due to her position as reining ruler of a small nation and the soon to be major contributor to the federation fund coffers. At her own insistance she attended modeling school and was in high demand for many years. A cosmetic industry was reformed around her products followed with several clothing lines and magazne publishing houses.

The press had always been kind to her in all endeavors except romance, it seemed she was accused of numorus affairs wich she had no part in earning her a "Playgirl" status. This has kept her out of a wedding chapel to the current time.
Service Record Non Service member