
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 5:16am

Lieutenant Commander Garrett Foster

Name Garrett Foster

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 195 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description For a human, Garrett is very tall, on the muscular side (but not overly so), and lightly tanned. At 31 years of age, Garrett has a 'baby face' -- incapable of growing facial hair worth keeping, the only hair he has to speak of is his short, military-cut brown hair.


Spouse none.
Children none.
Father Captain Michael Foster, CO USS MYKONOS
Mother Anne Montpetit-Foster
Brother(s) none.
Sister(s) none.
Other Family Grandfather: Rear Admiral (ret'd) Phillip Foster, Starfleet Operations
Grandmother: Captain (ret'd) Andrea Foster, Judge Advocate General

Personality & Traits

General Overview Typical of most senior officers, Garrett has a type-A personality -- a very performance driven, high tempo personality. Constantly demanding results of his subordinates, Garrett has been known to push his subordinates too far on occasion and sometimes needs to take a step back and evaluate the situation for what it is.

Garrett is fully aware of his ambitions and drive, however, and understands that not all of his subordinates are necessarily the same way. Garrett makes every attempt to take his subordinates' concerns into account.
Strengths & Weaknesses Unusual for someone at his rank level, one of Garrett's greatest strengths is his leadership ability -- something which, eventually, he hopes will get him a command. Garrett has a confidence about him that he projects, which works out tremendously for him.

It has, however, been known on occasion to be a weakness -- his overconfidence has caught him on occasion and blind-sighted him.
Ambitions Much like his father and his grandfather before him, Garrett hopes to one day command a starship. However much higher than that he goes is just added benefit.
Languages English, French

Personal History TBC
Service Record TBC