
  • 6 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Mar 30th, 2011 @ 6:32am

1st Lieutenant Tony Way

Name Tony Way

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 145
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tony is in very good shape due to his carreer choise. Good upper body strength as a frequent visitor to marine training grounds.


Spouse Donna Way
Children Epsilon Way, (3)
Father Rick Way
Mother Gloria
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) Two, Fionia (29) and Rider, (25)
Other Family Many on the West coast of USA

Personality & Traits

General Overview veryoutgoing and easy to talk to. Make friends and can gain a confidence quickly. he is loved by the Marines as he is in many of their training films. Tony has been married Four years to FNN announcer Donna Way. Both are a very popular news reporters and highly respected at FNN
Strengths & Weaknesses Fearless to get a story, which made his rise so swiftly. has been decorated several times by the Fleet Marines.
Ambitions own the network
Hobbies & Interests Photography, writing
Languages Terran, Vulcan

Personal History File in transit
Service Record Sealed