
  • 18 Mission Posts

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Sun Jul 24th, 2011 @ 10:11pm

Master Sergeant John Deal

Name John Richard Deal

Position First Sergeant

Rank Master Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 142
Hair Color Salt and Pepper
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Not exactly tall, and slim to boot, the short salt and pepper hair is difficult to distinguish. He carries a scar on the left part of his face from above the nose, diagonal to under his ear, and across his eye. The eye had to be replaced with a synthetic one, (like the eyes of Geordi on TNG) and responds well to his call. It assists him with aiming, disarming bombs, and even telling how hot or cold it is outside.


Spouse Deceased 2015
Children Deceased 2015
Father Deceased 2000
Mother Deceased 2000
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Deceased 1985-2052

Personality & Traits

General Overview Even though he is from another time, John quickly adapts to everything thrown in his path. He excels at being a Marine, and loves his job.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths- Bomb Technician, All Around good Marine, top marksman at Camp Peary

Weakness- He is from the year 2011, having been locked in an experimental vessel that was traveling for Mars. It has displaced him to this time
Ambitions None, John has gone as far as he wishes in life
Hobbies & Interests N/A
Languages Basic

Personal History in 2011, John Deal entered a ship bound for Mars in the NASA program. It would cryogenically freeze him, and travel the five years without aging him at all. The ship blew off course with a Vulcan Science ship accidentally clipping it as they passed for a scan of Earth. Tipping its self to the left of its original course, it continued to float through the Khyber Belt, and beyond the Solar System. It floated for years, running out of communication range, and further into the unkown as it tried to continue it's mission. When the two vessels had clipped together how ever, the systems had been affected as well. It was effectively cloaked as it floated through space, keeping John Deal alive in the depths of space. It crash landed centuries later on Auroa Theta Six, an inhabited planet of Colonists that were attempting to make their name with the Federation.

When John Awoke, he knew at once he wasn't when he was supposed to be, since his hair now coiled around his feet, reminding him of his old stories of Repunsel. Being picked up by Vulcan scientists, he was transported back to Earth, while he attempted to cope with what he was learning. He refused to learn the other languages in the Federation, beleaving that he could one day return home. He joined the Marines, having been a Major in the United States Marine Corp. Learning to be a Bomb Tech again wasn't that hard, since the resources and other tools had upgraded; making his life easier.
Service Record Year One after Unfreezing- Adapted to Federation Way of Life

Year Three- Joined the Federation Marine Corps

Year Four- Sent to USS Abraxis to serve as a Private, Served Six years on the USS Abraxis, attaining the rank of Sergeant

Year Ten- Sent aboard the USS Constileo, and only served one year. Their one and only mission accidently took them back to 2011, and John watched as his chamber was skipped off the Vulcan Science Ship. When the Constileo returned to its own time, the crew was split apart, and given orders to forget what had been seen during the Mission. Captain Johnathan Kimenson awarded John the Rank of Sergeant First Class, and told the Marine that he was sorry.

Year Eleven- Served aboard the USS Kathryn Lynn, a Marine run ship, where he attatined no additional rank, but the position of Second Officer. He served Three years with the Kathryn Lynn

Awaiting Reassignment