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Mon Jan 16th, 2012 @ 12:12pm

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim

Name Tara Misu Neniphim

Position Wing Commander

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Augmented Human
Age 239

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 137
Hair Color Redish Brown
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Standing at 5’10, Tara weighs in at about 137 pounds. All of the weight is muscle. Tara tailors her uniforms to accentuate her figure. While still within regulation, she pulls the cloth in around her waist and stomach, while cutting the front lower than usual. (Think Diana Troy out of Uniform)


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Micheal Neniphim
Mother Zenaida Neniphim (Deceased)
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) Jai Sun DeScott (Clone Twin)

Zenaida Neniphim (Step-Sister)
Other Family Syots Desoral (Adopted Grandfather)

Samuel DeScott (Adopted Father)

Alexi DeScott (Adopted Uncle)

Personality & Traits

General Overview A charming, but silent woman who sticks mostly to herself. She doesn't like to relive or rehash her past with anyone. She trains extensively, never stopping for anything besides sleep, food, and duty. She is secretive because of her long past, and the haunting of what she has done.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths- Battle Tactics, Hand to Hand Combatives, Phase Weaponry, Gauss Weaponry

Weakness- Her past still haunts her, what she had to do for Syots Desoral, and what she had to do to gain her freedom from the man.
Ambitions None at this time, except to get away from her past and start life anew. She also wants to find a way to get rid of the Genetic Engineering that forever altered her DNA. While she can't re-sequence what happened to her origonal DNA, she is always working on how to reverse it. Going so far as to take a sample to the Doctor of Typhon.
Hobbies & Interests Interests- Hunting down the man that made her life hell, and to find a way to reverse Engineer what Syots did to her, to make her mortal once more. There is no way for her to track Syots, and no way to go back and fix it. She doesn't realise this of course, but she doesn't want to either.
Languages English, Latin, Russian, German, Ferengi, Klingon, El Aurian, Greek, Romulan, Vulcan, Bajoran

Personal History Tara Misus Neniphim was born as such in the year 2013. At the age of seven, World War Three broke out, and her father Major Micheal Neniphim worked for the British SAS. After three years of war, Micheal made a plan for his family to survive the remainder of the war, and be cryogenically frozen until the war ended. Micheal was hustling his family into their tubes as the nuclear strike sirens began to sing. The pushed them inside, and went into his own. Only his sealed and froze, but Tara and her mother’s wouldn’t work. Before the bomb dropped on New York city, below where the Empire State building once stood, they were rescued by Samuel and Syots DeScott. They were moved to Ireland, and hid as the Eugenics war boiled over, causing the end of World War Three.

Hiding in a hidden city under the island of Ireland, Tara grew into womanhood, always in contact with the now estranged Syots DeScott. Samuel, her step father, had no knowledge of this happening. As she turned 18, she was taken by Syotts, and given an injection that she didn’t know she was receiving as they hugged. Her DNA was changed, giving her a longer life through El Aurian Eugenics. Mastered by Syots over the years, she didn’t know that her mother had died, or that she had been brought into a private war between the DeScott clan. She had no clue that the man she called Grand Pa was an evil master mind bent on taking over Earth. As the years passed, Tara didn’t change in appearance, she didn’t age, she didn’t even notice the passing of time.

After almost one hundred and sixty years, she was allowed to leave her new home with Syots, to find she was in space. Humanity had already handed them Zemphraim Cochraine and the Warp drive, and had to some degree started using warp drive to put out colonies and search the universe. She began doing para-military missions for Syots from abductions of high stationed people to assassinations of others. She had no heart, and was under complete control of Syots for several decades. After a time, her true father, Micheal, came back and found her by accident. He worked hard to save her, and did so after three months of work.

She happened into Junofleet afterward, learning on the fly how to do her job. She learned Operations, Security, Flight Control, Piloting and Command. After a time with her Father’s fleet, she decided it was time to get away from him, and everything that reminded her of her past.
Service Record Juno Fleet- Second Officer on the Colony of Agartha

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