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Mon Sep 12th, 2011 @ 2:04am

Captain Jackson Hawkins

Name Jackson Parker Hawkins

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 195
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Hawk prefers to keep physically fit, and it shows in his tone and build. He generally keeps his hair close to the scalp and is either clean shaven or with well trimmed scruff. Hawk considers himself to be a bit dapper and dresses accordingly when off duty.


Children None
Father Rear Admiral Gerald Hawkins (Deceased)
Mother Captain Yvonne Hawkins (Deceased)
Sister(s) Marissa Hawkins-Yono

Personality & Traits

General Overview Hawk isn't one for beating around the bush. He doesn't like the idea of making things more difficult than they absolutely must be. Hawk has spent the past several years in a form of self-imposed solitude. He has not entertained the idea of a relationship beyond the basic interactions related to carrying on fleet operations. Hawk isn't tolerant of his officers failing to be fully open, honest, and direct.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Decisive
+ Loyal
+ Dedicated

- Dismissive
- Domineering
- Tempestuous
Ambitions Hawk has full intentions of turning Starbase 347 into the premier installation in all of Starfleet. With the help of a talented crew, Hawk will oversee the new face of Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests Reading political novels
Languages Federation Standard

Personal History Hawk was born into a Starfleet family, and grew up understanding what it meant to serve the ideals of the Federation. Concepts such as liberty and duty resounded in his head. Abiding by a long Hawkins tradition, Jackson entered Starfleet Academy at 18.

While at the Academy, Hawk excelled at both his academic studies and his social duties. For four years, Hawk lived with very little sleep and a great deal of fun and work. He spent time playing sports, and was a member of the illustrious Red Squad.

The time that Hawk was graduating was a tough time for Starfleet and the Federation. The impending conflict hung low over everyone's head, and the fog of war would soon envelop them all. Hawk was witness to one of the saddest moments in Starfleet when he was an officer aboard the Lakota as she fired upon the Defiant. Though below decks at the time, Hawk was deeply impacted by this.

Moving further into full war, Hawk spent a great deal of time assigned to ground operations, fighting the Jem'Hadar in hand-to-hand combat. He became proficient at killing, so proficient that there were times he wondered if he knew anything else.

After the Lakota was destroyed in the Second Battle of Chin'Toka, Hawk found himself a position aboard the Pueblo as the Chief Security Officer. This was the beginning of his command path.

For the past three years, Hawk has been the commanding officer of the USS Runnymede, a Prometheus class ship responsible for border patrol and emergency military response. It is Hawk's wish to use the Runnymede with her modifications as a template to begin the new research and design project aboard Typhon Station.
Service Record 2367 - 2371: Starfleet Academy
* Security Division
* Red Squad
* Football (American)
* Wrestling
2371 - 2372: Ensign - USS Lakota
* Security Officer
* Present at the attack on the Defiant
2372 - 2375: Lieutenant - USS Lakota
* Security Officer / Ground Assault Personnel
* Battle of Torros III
* First Battle of Chin'Toka
* Battle of Riktor Prime
* Second Battle of Chin'Toka
2375 - 2377: Lieutenant - USS Pueblo
* Chief Security Officer
2377 - 2379: Lieutenant Commander - USS Pueblo
* Executive Officer
2379 - 2385: Commander - USS Pueblo
* Executive Officer
2385 - 2388: Captain - USS Runnymede
* Commanding Officer
2388 - Current: Captain - Starbase 347
* Commanding Officer