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Sun Nov 22nd, 2015 @ 3:40am

Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov

Name Carter Nortar Rotrov

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Risan
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 192
Hair Color Dark Blonde/Brown
Eye Color Green/Rust
Physical Description Carter exhibits traditional Terran European features. His body is toned, some would even say cut. He keeps his hair trimmed close to the skin both for appearance and ease of maintenance. Carter's most remarkable feature however is his eyes. They have a way of piercing through the tough outer shell of people and into the heart. His eyes make him alluring and the rest of his body fulfills the fantasy.


Spouse William Bradley
Children None
Father Renvic Rotrov - Risan Diplomat - (Deceased 2367)
Mother Miranda Newport-Rotrov - Starfleet Captain - (Deceased 2374)
Brother(s) Mitchell Rotrov - Starfleet Ensign - (Deceased 2373)
Anderson Rotrov - Starfleet Captain - USS Vancouver
Sister(s) Kerri Rotrov - Starfleet Ensign - (Deceased 2375)
Andrea Rotrov - Starfleet Lieutenant - (Deceased 2380)
Other Family Rebecca Newport - Starfleet Vice-Admiral - Retired - (Grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Confident and calm, Carter is often the man to diffuse a volatile situation. He appreciates life and the opportunity that each new day brings. The man is truly happy-go-lucky. He tries to seek cooperation and consensus instead of command and contention.

Despite his easy going nature, Carter is not a man to be pushed around. If threatened, or caught off guard, Carter has the deadly instincts of a Starfleet Marine. All glimpse of the calm and collected man will be gone and the offending party will be held off their feet, by the throat, into the air, against a bulkhead, with a pulsating forearm.

There are times that Carter is at conflict with himself and his surroundings, and these are the times is best to steer clear.
Strengths & Weaknesses Physically resilient, mentally sharp, and professionally excellent, Carter is the type of officer any commanding officer would want at least on face value. The man is honest, dedicated, and loyal.

Despite the positive aspects of Carter's personality, there is a downside. His time fighting the Dominion on the front lines has left him emotionally scarred, and that scarring at times surfaces in self destructive behavior. There are times that Carter intentionally puts himself in harms way just to feel alive again.
Ambitions Stability.
Hobbies & Interests Carter likes to keep himself in top fighting form. To ensure top physical performance he alternates between several athletic hobbies. He enjoys football, baseball, wrestling, gymnastics, and swimming, all of the events he was involved in as a cadet at the Academy.

In addition to his physically demanding activities, Carter loves the challenge of recreating dated Earth technology. His current project is a 1970 Dodge Challenger, a beautiful combustion engine vehicle that has a certain allure to it.
Languages Federation Standard

Personal History Carter was born into an already large family by Starfleet standards, but he wasn't born alone. Carter's twin brother, Mitchell, was just a few minutes older than Carter.

Growing up, Carter didn't mind being the youngest. It was an opportunity for him to grow and learn. The experience made him a stronger person and brought out his competitive nature.

A Starfleet brat, Carter and his family moved around a lot and this afforded him the opportunity to meet new people and experience new things and new ideas. Carter as a child, and young adult, was inquisitive and craved knowledge.

In 2367, Carter and Mitchell had decided to follow in their mothers footsteps and the same pattern of their siblings before them, and enroll in Starfleet Academy. Both boys tested and were accepted to the Academy. They were inseparable, enrolling in all of the same classes, participating in the same activities, and even as far as social groups. The Rotrov brothers caused quite a stir about campus.

As freshmen, Carter and Mitchell were cleared to start for the Starfleet Academy football team. Mitchell, the more popular of the two played Quarterback and Carter was a Tight End. Their father, Renvic, was on the way to the game aboard a transport liner when a tragic cascade failure caused a warp core breech. The boys played the game unaware of what had transpired. Starfleet Academy went on to win the game with Carter scoring 3 touchdowns and Mitchell scoring via Quarterback Sneak. After the game their grandmother, Admiral Newport, sat the boys down and explained to them about the loss of their father. Carter took it hard, but not as hard as Mitchell. Mitchell set out to prove himself a man.

As the years at Academy progressed, Carter and Mitchell continued their success. They both earned recognition in Football, Baseball, Wrestling, Swimming, and Gymnastics.

During this time, the boys dated another set of twins. The Rodriguez twins from a small ranching community in Texas only helped to fuel the mystique of the Rotrov twins. Mitchell dated Alejandra while Carter dated Raul. The four remained very close until graduation in 2370.

After graduation, posting assignments split Mitchell and Carter. Mitchell was assigned to the USS Olympia as a security officer while Carter was assigned to the USS Lightfoot as a tactical officer. This, they thought, was the beginning of the best times of their lives.

Reality soon changed for all in the Rotrov family. The Federation slipped into war with the Dominion, a war that would take it's toll.

Mitchell was the first to perish in the fog of war. He died at the Battle of Torros III. The loss was tragic for Carter as Mitchell was his twin and they had shared virtually everything. It was at this point that Carter developed a detest for the Cardassian and Dominion population.

Miranda, Carter's mother, was the next casualty of the war. She commanded the USS Diligent, lost in Operation Return in 2374.

The final direct casualty of the war was Kerri, Carter's older sister. She was lost aboard the USS Biscayne in the Battle of Cardassia in 2375.

The significant losses experienced by the family during the Dominion War were not the only issues Carter had to contend with. During the war, Carter served on many extended ground force campaigns were sieges and prolonged hand-to-hand combat dominated the operation. Scars still pepper his body as the mental scars still plague his psyche.

Carter returned to Earth a hero as did his sister Andrea and his brother Anderson. They tried to regroup and spent a great deal of time with Rebecca Newport, their grandmother.

Anderson was excellent at coping with the war and the loss of his family, Carter's recovery was normal, and Andrea never recovered. Over the next several years Carter spent a great deal of time getting mental health counseling and retraining. Carter was done being a weapon of war. He wanted to fix things. He received his expert certificate in star ship repair and maintenance.

By 2378, Carter had recovered and had been assigned to the starship repair division aboard Starbase 224.

A few years later in 2380, his sister Andrea was found dead in her Orlando apartment, an apparent suicide.

Today, Carter is living. In some aspects he is a shell of the man he used to be, but he refuses to give up as Andrea did. He's come to terms with his life being difficult, and works every day to get back to the innocence he's destroyed.
Service Record 2370-2375 USS Lightfoot (Ensign - Lt. jg)
* Second Battle of Deep Space 9
* Battle of Torros III
* Operation Return
* First Battle of Chin'toka
* Second Battle of Chin'toka
* Battle of Cardassia
2375 - 2378
Veteran rehabilitation and retraining
2378 - 2385 Starbase 224 (Lieutenant)
* Engineering Officer
2385 - 2386 USS Galileo (Lieutenant)
* Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
2386 - 2388 USS Runnymede (Lieutenant Commander)
* Chief Engineering Officer