Lieutenant Randolph Evans

Name Randolph Lucien Evans

Position Chief Pilot

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 180
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Lucien's body is well toned from years of athletics. He has declined to get any tattoos as he did not feel it accentuated his hirsute body.


Father Lieutenant Richard Evans (Deceased)
Mother Commander Genevieve Lacroix

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lucien is generally friendly and enjoys the company of others. He tends to avoid conflict but when pressed, can be quite volatile. With a reputation of being a flirt, Lucien has put himself in several unique conflicts.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Hard Working
+ Dedicated
+ Ambitious

- Arrogant
- Stubborn
- Ambitious
Ambitions Lucien wants to use his position as a jumping point for a career in command.
Hobbies & Interests American Football, Baseball, Rodeo Events, and swimming.
Languages Federation Standard

Personal History Lucien's father died a few months before Lucien was born, leaving Genevieve to raise the young child alone. There were not a lot of children aboard the USS Pecos, so Lucien spent the majority of his time on the holodeck. While in the sanctuary of this false environment, Lucien familiarized himself with his father's love of sport.

When Lucien entered Starfleet Academy, he quickly joined both the football and baseball teams and made great effort to be the all around best athlete at the Academy. As a star running back for the Academy football team and the catcher for the baseball team, Lucien was a very popular cadet. As a result of his busy social schedule, his academic performance tended to suffer.

Though graduating in the middle of his class, Lucien was not well established to enter the fleet. He spent a year aboard an Excelsior Class ship, first as the Delta Shift flight officer, and then to the Alpha Shift relief, and finally to the Beta Shift flight officer and Assistant Chief. It is at this point he began looking for a change, a Department of his own.
Service Record 2388-Current: USS Harbinger - Chief Flight Control Officer - Ensign
2387-2388: USS Pueblo - Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer - Ensign
2386-2387: USS Pueblo - Flight Control Officer - Ensign

2382-2386: Starfleet Academy - Cadet