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Mon Jul 11th, 2011 @ 8:28pm


Name Lova

Position Regent of Yerdis III

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Yerdisian
Age 82

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 4"
Weight 172 lbs.
Hair Color grey
Eye Color dark brown
Physical Description Short and stocky, Lova looks like an old benevolent grandmother. She is old and fragile now, almost blind but still with good hearing.

She naps often as old-age catches up with her and she tends to eat more than she burns, which has made her a bit fat.

She likes dressing up in various costumes that make her look glorious, especially when she attends ceremonies or, usually, performs them.


Spouse Steral
Children Hagita (heir apparent)
Udiow (rebel leader)

Personality & Traits

General Overview She bears herself in a dignified way, often feigning offence and dealing out harsh punishments for actions that were considered wrong by most of her people many generations ago, especially if she happens to overhear informal language.

She has a very specific set of things she wants to see done for herself and the people of her world. She believes strongly that she is right and that the divine power which she serves as the link between the people and the heavens has indeed given her the right and the power to make these decisions.

She is troubled by the fact that there are dissidents in the ranks, she believes that only unity and order, a solid corporate identity of her people with everybody falling in line and functioning as a part of the well-oiled machine, can bring success to her rule.
Strengths & Weaknesses She is reasonably familiar with technology and its uses. She is a bit of an eccentric when it comes to her personal computer systems used. With the resources to spare she has the fanciest devices in her chambers and uses them to keep taps on what is going on in her empire.

She doesn't take criticism well. She has banished some and executed others for even minor offences. She usually gets her way through psychological manipulation, however. Not only fear drives those under her but also the desire to please her for the benefits they can receive for that. She instils anticipatory obedience in those around her, with only the stronger-minded individuals daring to challenge her authority, and usually indirectly.

When she needs an argument to be fought out, where a simple directive by her is not sufficient, she lets her husband do the talking. He is generally instructed in what to say and has the eloquence required to get the point across. Since he is essentially a good guy, this is usually more productive also in protecting lives and prosperity of the other side.
Ambitions She believes in what she preaches, mostly. She believes she is the link to the powers that be and that she does what has been revealed to her as the morally correct, righteous course of action.

To that end, she considers any means necessary to be in order, and is not afraid to inflict much suffering on those under her auspices if it means to keep everyone in line.
Hobbies & Interests Lova is interested in old stories and also contemporary literature, provided it is not critical of her regime or the powers she herself worships. She enjoys theatrical performances and presides over religious services regularly. Her age and filled schedule don't allow for more hobbies.

Personal History Lova was born the first child of the planet's previous ruler, Gani. She was taught the ways and traditions of the state religion and the art of governing her world. She had a protected childhood at court and the best teachers available.

She married a man of much gentler spirit and while she thinks he's a bit childish at times she does love him still. She took over rule of the planet sixty-nine years ago, when she was thirteen years old, when her mother died and her father was mysteriously absent from court the majority of his time, only checking on on things every blue moon.

She started out with the support of nearly all her people. With age, she became more bitter and more cruel, however, and the support dwindled. Still, in most important strata of society, especially regional governments, she is seen as almost a reincarnate god. Her minions, for such they can be described, are fiercely loyal to her and won't even investigate or seriously consider accusations that her cruelties are wrongs and against the traditional law of their ancient society.

Now, while she thinks her power is at its zenith and most secured, she is preparing to pass her government on to her daughter Hagita, who is every bit as cruel as herself, but opposition is forming up and there are plans to de-claw her, to take her absolute powers away and install a moderate government in its place.