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Thu Jun 28th, 2012 @ 2:07pm

Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir

Name Selith Vi'ir

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Romulan
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 157 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Selith Vi’ir is surprisingly human looking for a Romulan. He has pale skin, like the typical Romulan, but the rest of him is very dark. People who first meet him are usually a bit unnerved by that, thinking he looks, in a way, evil. It is probably also the fact that he is Romulan, but even some counterparts in his past career in the Romulan Navy thought he look “a bit on the fanatical side”, although this is far from true.


Father Tomerk Vi'ir
Mother T’Para K’ntaria

Personality & Traits

General Overview Selith often keeps to himself, except around his friends. He often finds a corner and reads when confronted with a new group of people. Sometimes people call him anti-social, but this isn’t quite true. He just waits for people to be social to him first. To people who don’t know him, his humor seems very dry, but to his friends, it usually has subtext to it that requires a bit of thought to understand.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
- Kindness (for a Romulan)
- Honor
- Ambition
- Knowledge of Romulan Ships and Tactics

- Quiet
- Romulan Arrogance
- Doesn’t change his views very easily
- Phobia of reliance on Navigational Systems (See history)
Ambitions Survive
Have people understand him
Give back what the Federation has given him: Safety
Languages Terran, Klingon, Romulan

Personal History Below Section is Classified:

Selith was born to a rich and well know family on Romulus. Seemingly engulfed in politics, Selith decided he would escape it into the military at the age of 10. Unfortunately, he had to wait 6 year, when the Romulan Imperial Academy would accept him. After 4 years of training, he graduated in the top third of his class.

His first assignment was as the Chief Security Officer aboard the RIS Calex, a Talon-class scout ship. During his tour of duty aboard the Calex, he was promoted from Antecenturion to Subcenturion. During that time, the ship was captured by local rebels, and Selith and a small group of survivors were able to retake the ship and warn the Romulan Imperial Navy of the rebellion.

He was then transferred to the RIS Valdore under the command of Commander Donatra. With command of the ships security force, he was able to put down the rebellion. He then took command of the Chief Tactical Position on the Valdore as a Centurion. After a year of service he was promoted to Centurion-General and a year later, to Subcommander.

A year after the Scimitar Incident where Shinzon attempted to destroy Earth, Selith was promoted to Commander and offered a position in the Tal Shiar. He accepted and was sent to the Tal Shiar Training Center on Carnosa III. After 6 months of training, he graduated and took command of the Shrike-class RIS Tekuma.

On his first mission, reconnaissance on a Klingon Research Outpost on Narendra III, his ship suffered from a navigational systems failure, and collided with a Klingon freighter. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on your perspective) it was only a glancing blow, but disabled the Tekuma and disrupting its cloak.

While being ferried to Q’onos, Selith managed to lower the force field, disable the guard, disable the ship’s weapons and engines, and hijack a shuttle. Unfortunately, the shuttle he hijacked had damage to its navigational computer, and instead of heading toward Romulan space, Selith ended up in Federation space. Long range sensors quickly detected him, and Starbase 24 sent the USS Washington to investigate. Upon finding the shuttle, they quickly took Selith into custody and began to question him. After many questions, and Selith finally giving them information on the Tal Shiar, they agreed to give him asylum, and he was sent to Earth.

Upon arrival, he applied for Starfleet Academy, feeling in debt to Starfleet for granting him asylum. After several interviews with the Academy Commandant, he was accepted and he took several tests to see what courses he needed.

Classified Section Ends

After graduating from the academy, Selith was posted to the USS Courageous, a defiant-class escort. Even before he arrived on the ship, he was thrust into a battle, in which he was commended for developing a new tactical strategy, by moving the shuttle through the blades of the Romulan ship attacking it, and dropping torpedoes like mines. Selith also prevented major damage to the Courageous by disabling a bomb onboard the ship, moving himself up to the rank of Lieutenant. During an Intelligence operation, the crew of the USS Courageous was transferred to the Sovereign-class USS Journeyman. The crew was assigned a mission near the Romulan-Klingon border, and Selith accepted it for a few months. Unfortunately, he felt the stress of being near the Romulan Empire during that period, and finally requested a leave of absence. After a year, Selith felt comfortable returning to Starfleet, and returned to duty.
Service Record Security: Antecenturion and Subcenturion, RIS Calex (Talon-class)
Tactical: Centurion and Centurion-General, RIS Valdore (Valdore-class)
Command: Subcommander, RIS Valdore (Valdore-class)
Command/Tal Shiar: Commander, RIS Tekuma (Shrike-class)
Operations: Cadet, Ensign, Lt. (JG), and Lt.; USS Courageous (Defiant-class)
Operations: Lt.; USS Journeyman (Sovereign-class)