
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Fri Jul 29th, 2011 @ 7:47am

Rear Admiral William Sanders

Name William Robert Sanders

Position Project Commanding Officer

Rank Rear Admiral

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 44

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 177
Hair Color Salt and Pepper
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description William cares about his appearance and continues to work out and take care of his physical form. His salt and pepper hair in concert with his facial hair give him a distinguished look. The Rear-Admiral generally carries himself with dignity and a self-assured gait.


Spouse None
Children None
Father James Sanders
Mother Mona Sanders
Sister(s) Geraldine

Personality & Traits

General Overview William has an intense drive and a well developed view of the big picture. He is methodical and looks at everything with an engineers’ eye. Virtually nothing escapes his scrutiny. William has a tendency to space out, pausing at the most interesting moments to finish several layers of thought he happens to be processing at the moment.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Dedicated
+ Open Minded
+ Brilliant

- Spacey
Ambitions Admiral Sanders desires to oversee the production of some of the most advanced installations in Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests William enjoys listening to late twentieth century and early twenty first century music.
Languages Federation Standard

Personal History William grew up on the open plains of West Texas on Earth. He spent hours laying out in his fathers field looking up at the sky and dreaming big dreams.

Throughout his childhood William excelled in his academic pursuits, consistently ranking at the top of his class. He found himself the occasional target of bullying, though he utilized this bullying to fuel his desire to excel. Once at Starfleet Academy, William found himself amongst a peer group that found his somewhat eccentric nature to be the norm.

Service Record 2388 - Current: Commanding Officer - Athena I Project - Rear-Admiral
2387 - 2388: Commanding Officer - Construction Starbase 442 - Rear-Admiral
2380 - 2387: Commanding Officer - Construction Valencia Colony - Commodore
2377 - 2380: Commanding Officer - Construction Outpost 787 - Commodore
2374 - 2377: Executive Officer - Construct Mariposa Colony - Captain
2370 - 2374: Executive Officer SEC Goddard - Commander
2369 - 2370: Chief Engineer SEC Goddard - Lieutenant Commander
2368 - 2369: Chief Engineer SEC Tesla - Lieutenant
2367 - 2368: Assistant Chief Engineer SEC Tesla - Lieutenant JG
2365 - 2367: Engineer SEC Tesla - Ensign