
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Thu Jan 26th, 2012 @ 9:34am

1st Lieutenant Kathleen Lorrieta

Name Kathleen Lorrieta

Position Damage Control Specialist

Second Position Structural/Environmental Specialist

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 175 Lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description The oriental beauty that is Kathleen Lorrieta, is generally found in a state of disorganization. Her job generally keeps her in such a busy hurry, that her hair is almost always a mess, and make-up is a foreign substance.


Spouse Gunnery Sergeant Jeremy Watts (Starfleet Marine Corps)
Children None
Father John Lorrieta (Ambassador at large, Federation Embassy)
Mother Jeanette Lorrieta (Ambassador's aide, Federation Embassy)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kathleen is a friendly individual, who is exceptionally brilliant at on-the-fly repairs, that come nowhere close to 'by the book'. Her work ethic amazes many people, in it's borderline Vulcan manner.

She specializes in Explosives, and repairing explosive damages, though she is handy with most structural repairs.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Good work ethic
+ Friendly

-Occasionally destructive
-Sometimes known to be slightly insubordinate.
Ambitions Not known
Hobbies & Interests Combat training, reading up on technical manuals, ballet.
Languages Federation Standard

Personal History Spending most of her childhood watching the battle lines of wars that could be, under the travelling band of people known as her parents, Ambassadors at large, for the Federation.

Upon reaching the age of sixteen, however, she walked off that 'peaceful life', to find something a bit more interesting. Her marine corps training included technical repair, as well as explosives expertise, and basic combat skills. Her abilities as a field explosives technician, both disarming, and setting, as well as an as-needed on the field technician became something of almost legend, during dominion wars ground fights, including the defense of Delasi IV, during which, she used the parts of the crashed fighter-transport they were on, to create ground-phaser-turrets.

Her 20 year marine life came to a close, after she got married, to a fellow marine. She was... unexpectedly reassigned, after that was cleared.
Service Record Starfleet Marine Corps:

2368-2371: SFMC Boot camp (Explosives Technician, Field Mechanic, Basic Combat)

2371-2374: 37th Marine Squadron(Various Ranks), Attached to the USS Arizona

Notable commendations:
Battle of Delasi IV: Unexpected use of fallen craft as local planetary defense turret, Valor in the face of certain defeat, unexpected victory.

2374-2380: 201st Marine Squadron(Various Ranks), Attached to the USS Lincon

2380-2387: 375th Marine Squadron(Various Ranks), Attached to the USS Spitfire.

2387: Retired, 1st Lieutenant.

Starfleet Corps of Engineers
2388: Field re-commissioned, Starbase Typhon, Damage control specialist, structural analyst