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Wed Aug 1st, 2012 @ 5:13pm

Alvar Walder

Name Alvar Jarle Loke Walder

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human [Baerens]
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 165
Hair Color Sandy
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description With sandy hair, blue eyes and a chiselled jaw, Walder is typical of the heavily Scandinavian-influenced gene pool. With his tall, willowy stature, easy and intuitive connection with others and handsome bearing he makes an excellent politician able to control and calm a room with his mere presence.


Spouse None
Children Jax Davidson (6)
Father Aedel
Mother Sophia
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Jane Davidson (ex-wife)

Personality & Traits

General Overview A quiet man, Walder typically speaks in hushed tones, conspiratorial, confidential, earning the trust of those around him. A politician through and through he sometimes cultivates relationships for professional advancement but down the line finds himself growing quite attached to the person, regardless of their usefulness.

Cerebral, Walder enjoys the company of the intelligent and delights in conversations of a theoretical nature, whether political, cultural or historical, over a bottle of wine or two. As befits a diplomat he has an easy and affable nature and gets along well with the majority of people despite differences of opinion.

Beneath this, however, runs a current of deep unease and regret over his failed relationship with his ex-wife. Unable or unwilling to reflect on the experience, he has run from assignment to assignment, fearful that the failing could extend to his relationship with his young son. He also worries that his relationships with others are based on similar quicksand.
Strengths & Weaknesses Walder has the gift of the gab, an ability to talk and network that he, personally, finds rather extraordinary. From his earliest childhood he has seemed to be able to inveigle his agenda onto the board, or advance his own situation.

The ease with which he can communicate and affect affability has translated into an ability to cultivate friendships and relationships that range from the intimate to the superficial, earning him a wide network of contacts and acquaintances.

These, however, are a constant source of self-doubt to the man in the wake of his divorce. How reliable, how genuine are these relationships? Have they merely been built on a shifting foundation that would wear away? The question gnaws at the pit of his stomach, often of late causing him to second-guess himself at crucial moments. It has led to a growing distrust of others around him.

Physically, Walder finds it hard to cope with Earth-normal gravity for extended periods of time. Hailing from a world with G-forces around a quarter of the strength of Earth's, Walder has had to insist on specialised quarters on all his assignments to be able to feel comfortable and hale of mind. It is a drain on his ability to work, often meaning that meetings have to be cut short, or delayed in order for him to recuperate from previous jaunts into Earth-normal gravity.

It is hoped that the longer he stays in Earth-normal environments, the more muscle mass his body will build to cope. With the requirement to rest in low-G surroundings, however, that process will be a long one.

An intelligent human being, Walder often brings superior analytical skills to bear on his day-to-day activities.
Ambitions Professionally, Walder wishes to reach the highest echelons of Federation political life. He knows he has the skills and drive to accomplish anything he sets his mind to, and therefore is not entirely concerned whether he becomes a Council Member, Cabinet Member or even a premier diplomat or more.

Personally, Walder seeks to maintain his relationship with his son, often sending letters or holovids to let him know that he still cares deeply for the boy.

He would also like to learn a musical instrument. Perhaps the saxophone.
Hobbies & Interests Classical music is an absolute passion for Walder. He will listen to it as often as possible, and has dragged his collection across the galaxy to accompany him on every assignment. Often the music will be enjoyed with a good bottle of red wine.

Fencing was a pastime acquired whilst studying in Germany on Earth. Fond of the sport, Walder often seeks out others against which to test his abilities. Walking and hiking are favoured pursuits as well. In quieter moments books are a must, as well as election nights, whatever the govermnent and election system used.
Languages Federation Standard, Klingon

Personal History Alvar Walder was born on Baerens in 2355 to wealthy parents.

A former colony world, Baerens had grown into its own during the mid-2350s, and the Walder family was one of its principal benefactors. Alvar's father, the owner of a small shipping firm, benefited from the geo-political shifts of the Federation-Cardassian War.

Baerens had become a strategic way-point on the way to the shifting front lines. Descending upon the world and issuing out contracts for construction, provisions and transport, Starfleet boosted the local economy to stratospheric levels.

Alvar's father took advantage, undercutting the competition to provide the cheapest cost to Starfleet. With the war dragging on, the Walder Shipping Firm's carriage capacity ballooned, as Alvar's father ploughed in the immense profits he was receiving into expanding the business, opening offices and warehouses across the sector. In old-money terms, the Walders went from a family of millionaires to billionaires in a short amount of time.

From this, Alvar benefited the most. He grew up in comfortable surroundings in one of the most exclusive neighbourhoods of Baeren's fast-growing capital city, Eisgard. Once he was old enough he was enrolled in the oldest and most prestigious private school in the colony.

Having enrolled at such a young age, Alvar fit in easily as he grew up, making fast friends and acquaintances amongst classmates. A precocious child, he soon became interested in history, politics and languages as he grew into his teens.

As he grew older, it became obvious that he would seek to serve in a public capacity - as a teen he volunteered on Governor MaCarthy's successful run for the mansion, as well as Councillor Treznor's run for the Council seat in 2372. During these campaigns he made an impression as a good public speaker with a confident bearing when dealing with strangers and those of the opposition, and marked the beginning of his association with the Baeren's branch of the New Democrat Party.

His exemplary academic record at the school ensured a scholarship to a prestigious university was almost guaranteed. In the end he was the only one from his school that ventured to apply to Jesus College, Oxford.

Eventually gaining acceptance, he studied PPE - Politics, Philosophy and Economics, the classic degree route for politicians for hundreds of years. He quickly adapted to his new social surroundings having been used to his parents being away for long periods managing the business as it expanded.

What he did not expect was the difference in Gs on Earth. Rationally he knew it would be different, but what Walder had not expected was the reality of the transition. For the first few weeks he found it a struggle to move around and attend his classes, and any more strenuous physical activity was out of the question.

By the end of the first week Walder was exhausted and not a little miserable - sleep did not come easily, and his social life was constricted in the extreme. Shocked that one of the premier galactic educational institutes did not have the facilities for beings from variable gravity environments.

In the event he wrote the Vice-Chancellor and began a one-man campaign, joined in the next few weeks by a few of the small group of friends he had made in the course of his lobbying.

Eventually, a few weeks into his first semester, the University relented and agreed to build a whole new block to house current and future students from differing environments. In the meantime, the Barzan benefactor who sponsored the new dormitories offered a gravity-variable room at his townhouse in London to Walder until his new quarters were available.

The Barzan had been impressed by Walder's drive and ambition, and his organisational skills. When he heard of his earlier campaigning efforts on behalf of the New Democrats, he introduced Walder to a few associates in the London headquarters of the party.

With his living quarters settled, Walder began enjoying himself more, working on building his muscle mass to the point where living in Earth-normal Gs would not be so strenuous, and taking part in many activities at the university, including debating in the Union and picking up Fencing for short bursts. At the same time, at the behest of his Barzan sponsor, he took part in numerous local campaigns and lobbying efforts on behalf of the New Democrats.

As his studies progressed, and his activities with the New Democrats progressed, Walder realised that his interest in interstellar relations was trumping his desire for party politics. Explaining this to his Barzan benefactor in his final year, the man agreed to sponsor his entry to the Federation State Department.

In 2371, Walder was accepted on the Fast Track programme, to become immersed in the Civil Service's methods of developing policy and writing legislation. It involved two years of training at the Palais headquarters of the Department.

Once again, Walder fit in perfectly, adapting to his circumstances and making new friends. He proved adept at policy decisions, implementing the needs of the Secretary of State. It quickly became apparent that his expertise lay in Klingon Affairs. At several points he was quick to interpret and deduce Klingon actions and produce memos on the points.

After the first two years of service and training, Walder was dispatched to the Federation Embassy in time for the outbreak of the Dominion War. He found his role as an Assistant to the Chief of Staff to be very fulfilling, being responsible for arranging meetings and drawing up their agendas.

He quickly grasped the policy aspects too - drawing on the daily communiques to fashion messages from the Embassy to the Klingon Government in a constructive an incisive manner.

Following the War, several conferences were held by the wartime allies on the Klingon Homeworld, allowing the staff of the Embassy to deal with the vast bulk of the preparations and none more so than Walder.

With his assignment up in 2377, Walder was transferred to Cardassia as part of the on-going reconstruction efforts. There he was made head of a taskforce dispatched by the State Department to disburse funds to local companies rebuilding homes and civic buildings on the planet.

It was during this time that Walder was caught in a whirlwind romance with Jane Adams, a woman he met whilst working on the taskforce together. They got along well, and found they were attracted with one another.

When Jane fell pregnant early in their relationship, Walder did the honourable thing and married her. For a while it was a blissful relationship.

He acquitted himself well in his public duties, building a variety of local networks and contacts, eventually becoming the Chief of Staff at the Embassy there after his taskforce was wrapped up in the wake of budget cuts.

Walder's time as Chief of Staff on Cardassia went smoothly. It was a busy life, and he found himself away from his home working long hours. It put an increasing strain on his marriage, and with the arrival of a child, David.

After three years, it finally got too much, and the couple split, despite Walder's best efforts. His now ex-wife soon left for the Federation, and took their child with her. The separation was amicable enough that he was allowed to keep in contact with his son as he got older.

Following the heartbreak on Cardassia, Walder managed to get himself reassigned and promoted to Consul on Trill. It was a short while before he got bored, and started searching for a new job. The work was unfulfilling, and there was little more for him to do than attend endless cocktail parties and receptions.

After two years of searching, Walder finally found an assignment that interested him - Federation Ambassador on Typhon.
Service Record 2371-3 - Federation Department of State
2373-9 - Federation Embassy, Klingon Homeworld
2379-86 - Federation Authority Taskforce, Cardassia
2386-8 - Federation Consulate, Trill
2388 - Present - Federation Embassy, Starbase Typhon