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Sat Dec 5th, 2015 @ 6:59pm

Commander Buck Ducati

Name Buck Ducati

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Joined Trill
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5’11” (180cm)
Weight 207lbs (94kg)
Hair Color Purple
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description His hair has been subject of many discussions amongst his friends and no one knows why. Some believe it is spiritual, while others think it's simply his favourite colour. He is a medium built man and is the model of grooming as he always seems to have his hair tidy with product and his face clean shaven. He is not overly muscled but keeps fitness as part of his daily routine. His skin is tanned. He has several tribal tattoos that start at his ankles and wrists that end around his torso making him look like one tribal symbol. A separate tribal tattoo outlines his right eye and travels down his right cheek.


Children James 'Jim' Wildstar, 10
Dominque 'Dee' Wildstar, 9
Father Derek Wildstar
Mother Nova Wildstar
Other Family Former Lover and Mother of Children: Iralan Domino

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses He is a good leader where he looks for compromises and if something goes wrong will see to it that he is held responsible for it and is ready to accept the consequences, though not always prepared. He makes himself a happy, friendly and casual persona so to show he is approachable in times when personnel need to speak with him. After the situation has been explained will he act accordingly but the desire to be seen as someone the crew can come to is important to him. Sometimes that desire can be a source of lacking respect for the First Officer where he is rumoured to be wanting to be more of a friend then a superior. He has always had difficulty in sorting out the memories from the symbiont and his own prior to Joining. Sometimes he would be confused with who or what he is when his mind is not at full drive, usually when tired. He does tend to ramble on about some of his previous hosts' histories when talking about similar topics.
Hobbies & Interests He enjoys hanging out with his friends; doing whatever they are doing he doesn't mind. He every now and again partakes in several holoprograms like Captain Proton and a few spy themed programs. Another short lived interest was Parrises squares while at the Academy but hopes to play again. Swimming is in his daily routine to keep fit, he attends the Gym straight after a swim for weights training before a massage to help keep his body well looked after. On his days off he will catch a few games of Velocity either alone or with a competitive colleague.
Languages English, Trill, Klingon