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Thu May 31st, 2012 @ 11:43am

Lieutenant Izzabelle Black

Name Izzabelle Black M.D.

Position Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 125
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Slender and fit. Stronger than she looks.


Spouse None
Children none
Father John Black (deceased)
Mother Marlena Black (deceased)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Known by most people as Izzy she spent most of her youth on Earth with her grandmother until her death then found herself living life on a starship where she felt she wasn't wanted. Her senior year in school on the ship she fell in love with one of the crewman so she decided to become a crewman recruit in the hopes to return to the Oberon and continue that relationship.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Izzy is very loyal but tends to be quite.
+ She will do her best to protect those she cares about.
+ Even though she may complain she will usually do what ever she needs to do to get a goal accomplished.
- It is harder for her to make friends however friendship is very important to her.
- Since the accident in her quarters she lacks as much self confidence.
Ambitions To continue studying medicine and hopefully find someone she can spend the rest of her life with.
Hobbies & Interests Rock climbing, moon lit strolls on the beach.
Languages Standard


February 7, 2359 Izzabelle Black was born to John and Marlena and shortly after sent to be raised by her grandmother Colleen.

June 25, 2374 Izzabelle's grandmother, Colleen died and having no other family Izzabelle was sent to the USS Oberon to live with her parents.

February 8, 2377 At first she went as an nco so that she could quickly return to the ship and be with Telar.

March 22, 2377 Returned from Academy training and moved into quarters with Telar ne-Tron. Izzy is finishing her training on board the ship.

March 31, 2377 When entering her quarters Izzy noticed the temperature was set higher and the pannel on the replicator was loose. She lowered the temperature and called for Telar as she did the panel exploded sending her flying back against a table.

May 1, 2378 After doing much independent studies and continuing to earn her basic medical degree Izzy returned to the Academy to finish the basic studies and spend time at Starfleet medical.

April 18, 2384 Izzy goes to Obsidian Colony where the crew she knew and loved were now serving and was working as a medical technician until she could get to her internship.

January 12, 2386 Finished her internship and is now a full doctor.
Service Record February 8, 2377 Accepted into Crewman training at Starfleet Academy as a medical technician.
March 22, 2377 Passed all basic exams and was allowed to return to the Oberon to continue training as a Medical Technician.
April 18, 2378 Izzabelle was given a field promotion by Captain Davis to the rank of Ensign for her hard work doing independent studies. She is to continue her course work now that they are stationed at a colony.
December 9,2384 Finished her first year of residency in the medical field while serving on the Pendragon promoted to Lieutenant JG.
May 1, 2385 Transferred to the USS Kilgharrah as CMO with most of the crew from the Pendragon and Promoted to full Lieutenant.
January 18, 2389 Transferred to Starbase Typhon as Assistant Chief Medical Officer.