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Sat Feb 7th, 2015 @ 5:11pm

Captain Cressidia Lane

Name Cressidia Rhonda Lane

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 159 lbs
Hair Color brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Cressidia has chocolate-brown hair that falls just below her shoulders. People seem to like her smile, though she thinks there's nothing special about it. Her eyes are a shining blue, when she's happy that is. When she's angry, that shining blue becomes a stabbing ice blue glare. It could probably freeze a star, but she hasn't tired it. She had braces from sixth grade to eighth grade, and you can always be sure that she will have her retainer and a toothbrush. She has good hygiene, showering every morning, followed by brushing her teeth, and then her hair.


Father Cressidia's father is Rayned Lane. He loves April and wants her to be happy. He was in Starfleet for a while, but he decided when Cressidia was born, that Starfleet wasn't where he wanted to raise his child. So they moved to Luna Colony, and set up a new life there.
Mother Her mother is April Lane. She was injured during Cressidia's birth, and she is no longer able to have children. She wanted a big family, but decided to adopt a few children after Cressidia had become a bit older. She adpoted a Bajoran girl- Mandy and a human boy- Conner.
Brother(s) Conner is Cressidia's adopted brother. He is 14 years younger than Cress, and also persued a career in Starfleet. He is now an Leuitenant on Starbase 234 where the Starfire is currently docked. He is in charge of the repairs to the Starfire's weapon systems. ((Adopted))
Sister(s) Mandy is her adopted sister. She is 10 years younger than Cressidia. They were quite close, and Mandy always looked up to Cress. When she went into Starfleet, she decided that she would rather be a Doctor than a Command officer, so she studied to become a Doctor and eventually made a good home for herself on the Manzar colony. She corresponds regularly with her older sister. ((Adopted))

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cressidia is honest, clever, brave, and energetic. She is the kind of person that starfleet looks for to fill command positions like the one she has just been given. She feels ready for the command, and has brief experiences from her last assignment, when she was put in command because the captain was unable to command the ship. She is a fair person, and is willing to give everyone a chance, no matter how she thinks of them. She is a good strategist, and can often come up with lifesaving battle plans. She values her crewmates, and whatever they do, she does. She makes sure that her crew supports her, she doesn't want them to distrust her, as they need to be able to follow orders to the letter. She loves playing games with her crew when she is off duty, her favorites are chess, tongo, and poker. She hates it when Starfleet gives her classified information because it makes her feel like she is keeping things from her crew, but she does her duty anyways, telling herself that she is being honest to her commanding officers. She likes to see new things, even if they try to kill her, as some alien life does. She loves adventure, and being in command.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
A good leader
Values other's lives

Values other's lives
Sometimes trusts people too quickly
Ambitions She would like to be a captain sometime.
Hobbies & Interests Chess
Other cultures
Outdoor activities
Languages Native: English, Well learned: Romulan, Basics only: Klingon, Bajoran, Binary code, Morse code

Personal History She grew up an only child until she was fifteen. Her parents were physically unable to have children due to an accident in her birth. They had always planned on having a big family, but settled for just thier little girl until she was fifteen. Upon being accepted into Starfleet academy, they talked it over with her, and decided to adopt another little girl. Her little sister, Mandy, was five when she was adopted into the family, and she always looked up to Cressidia. She followed her sister into starfleet, but found that she was best in the medical field. They send letters to each other when they get the chance. She has always cared greatly about her family, and her parents adopted a second child three years after they adopted Mandy, a little boy named Conner. He became an engineer in starfleet as well. He was 4 when they adopted him. She and her brother aren't as close as she and Mandy are, but she still gets the occasional letter. When she was in the academy she never had many friends, but all the teachers loved having her in their classes. When she was little she used to play in the park by their house, and always loved going to parks and that sort of place, all the way until she graduated the academy. Then parks became unavailable, but she still loves going to new, green planets.