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Wed Aug 1st, 2012 @ 5:13am

Commodore Lauren Ongaku-Chi

Name Lauren Ongaku-Chi

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 80

Physical Appearance

Height 4'5"
Weight 127 Lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description The petite Asian woman, known, typically, just by her last name, carries an aura of authority not befitting someone of her diminutive stature.

Her blackish whiteish grey hair is usually kept in a tight bun and her slightly weathered face does not portray a woman of her age, very well.


Spouse Classified Information.
Children Classified Information.
Father Classified Information.
Mother Classified Information.
Brother(s) Classified Information.
Sister(s) Classified Information.
Other Family Classified Information.

Personality & Traits

General Overview While normally friendly, Lauren is very business-like on duty, for the most part. Ongaku-Chi is well known to be quite the screamer, if need be.
Strengths & Weaknesses To be filled out later
Ambitions Not known
Hobbies & Interests Drink tea.
Languages English, Japanese, Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan

Personal History [Classified]




Commodore Ongaku-Chi was promoted to Admiral in 2358.



Temporarily took command of a vessel, during the Dominion War, to rescue SCE Officers in distress, when Starfleet chose to ignore them.

Demoted to Commodore, 2375.



Assigned as head of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, 2386, re-promoted to Admiral.


Demoted to Commodore in 2389. (As per the result of charges filed by Admiral Willoughby, and Commodore James Watkins, for abuse of position, and authority.)

Reassigned to Command Starbase Typhon, to keep her out of FNN Broadcasting Range, 2389
Service Record 23??-2358: [Redacted]

2358: Promoted to Admiral, Assigned to [Redacted].

2358-2374: Classified.

2375: Demoted to Commodore, over a Classified Incident, involving a lost SCE team.

2375-2386: Redacted

2386: Promoted to Admiral, Assigned to Starfleet Corps of Engineers Commanding Officer, in addition to her duties as [Redacted].

2386-2389: SCE Dispatching Officer, Starfleet Command, [Redacted], [Redacted], [Classified].

2389: Demoted to Commodore(Abuse of authority, Abuse of Power, as charged by Admiral Willoughby, Commodore James Watkins). Relieved of duties, as [Redacted], and [Redacted]. Still retains [Classified] Level Command of [Classified].