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Tue Jul 10th, 2012 @ 12:44pm

Jake Stonebender

Name Jake Stonebender

Position Jake's Place - Owner

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El-Aurian
Age 560

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 130
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description tall and lean to the point of stringbeany-ness. He has a neatly trimmed beard and shoulder-length grey hair and piercing grey eyes.


Spouse Barbara (deceased), Zoey Berkowitz (Deceased)
Children Jess (deceased), Erin Stonebender-Berkowitz (deceased)
Father unknown
Mother unknown
Brother(s) unknown
Sister(s) unknown
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jake is very easygoing, empathetic, and cheerful (most of the time). He is prone to occasional bouts of depression, but has a magnificent group of friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Cheerful and easygoing, empathetic (as much as is possible for an El-Aurian). Excellent listener, and hence a great conversationalist with the skills of a trained psychotherapist.

- prone to occasional bouts of depression, and avoids organizational structure and "chain of command" as much as possible.
Ambitions To bring about "Harmony". Ask him about it some time.
Hobbies & Interests Tending bar, encouraging love and unity, and participating in contests of wit and trivia.

Personal History Jake Stonebender was born on Earth in the late 1950's to El-Aurian parents who abandoned him shortly after his birth. Raised in an orphanage, little is known of his childhood, other than he had no knowledge if his alien origins or his incredible lifespan. He became a folk singer in the 1960's, but never achieved much recognition, as there was a glut in the folk music market at that period in history. Jake's first wife and daughter (Barbara and Jess) were killed in an automobile accident in the 1970's due to brake failure after Jake installed his own brakes. Jake fell into depression and was referred to Callahan's Place by Doc Webster. Jake was later informed by Mary Callahan-Finn that the brakes that failed weren't the set that Jake replaced and that he wasn't responsible for his wife and daughter's death.

Jake later married Zoey Berkowitz and became the father to Erin Stonebender-Berkowitz, both of whom died of old age in the early twenty-first century.

After Zoey and Erin's deaths, Jake vowed never to remarry, and devoted himself almost exclusively to continuing the legacy of his friend and mentor, Mike Callahan.

Mike Callahan, The owner and proprietor of Callahan's Place bar, was later revealed to be a time traveler from the far future, from a place called Harmony. Starfleet Temporal Agency files are classified at the highest level, so more information on the era and location is not available.

Service Record N/A