
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Fri Jul 13th, 2012 @ 12:30am

Ralph Wau Wau

Name Ralph Von Wau Wau

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Canis lupis familiaris (earth)
Age 146

Physical Appearance

Height 3'2"
Weight 70 lbs
Hair Color Brown and black
Eye Color black
Physical Description Ralph von Wau Wau is a German Shepherd with mutated genes which resulted in human-level intelligence. By coincidence he was also surgically altered by an experimental veterinarian named Malion to give him a voice box capable of human speech.

Ralph often speaks in a fake German accent in varying strengths. He drops his accent nearly completely when angry.


Spouse none
Children unknown
Father unknown
Mother unknown
Brother(s) unknown
Sister(s) unknown
Other Family unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ralph is an easygoing German Shepherd. He has an even temper, and only gets mildly irritated when people discount his intelligence or are condescending to him because of his species. In all but romantic liaisons, he prefers human to canine company, but may have sired countless pups. He keeps his canine relationships VERY private
Strengths & Weaknesses + incredibly quick wit and highly intelligent. Very loyal and friendly with both humans and canines. Somewhat of a ladies' man.

- incurable parasomaniac. Has an incurable love for really bad puns. Likes to startle people by talking to them. Will revert to feral behavior if overly provoked
Ambitions To bring about the Harmony of Mike Callahan's timeline.
Hobbies & Interests Drinking, making bad puns, urinating on Authority Figures' vehicles, Female dogs, and hanging out at Jake's Place. He is also a skilled ventriloquist.
Languages English

Personal History Ralph reveals very little about his life as a pup, and hardly mentions anything before he meets the gang at Callahan's Crosstime Saloon. He has mentioned that he lost his job as a detective during the 1970's, and was bumming around with a mute, running an interesting variation on the "I'll bet you a drink that my dog can talk" scam. That's when he arrived at Callahan's Place. He now goes wherever Jake Stonemeber and the rest of the gang go across time and space, and is currently residing at Star Base Typhon
Service Record none