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Wed Feb 20th, 2013 @ 6:23pm

Captain Raymond Kelly

Name Raymond Daniel Kelly

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 49

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Light brown, greying
Eye Color Dark brown
Physical Description A strong presence, Raymond carries himself like the stereotype of a human; big shoulders, big gestures, big words, big plans, and a big shadow. He seems much larger than he actually is.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Allen (Deceased)
Mother Marilyn (Deceased)
Brother(s) Darren, Lt. Commander, Engineer, USS Valiant
Sister(s) Sarah, Commander, XO, USS Monitor

Personality & Traits

General Overview Raymond is decisive, stubborn, quick-witted, and cunning. All great qualities in a Captain, even if it doesn't earn him many friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
- Decision maker
- Clever
- Strong Tactical Background

- Stubborn
- Unconcerned with formality
- Holds a high standard for himself and others
Ambitions To explore, protect, and do his duty within Starfleet. His is a simple desire, but one that's earned him quick promotions, and a fast track to the admiralty.
Hobbies & Interests - Velocity
- Kayaking
- Swimming
- Playing guitar

Personal History Raymond was born in California, on Earth. His parents were career Starfleet, so naturally, so was he. His younger siblings followed suit as well; he went into Security, his brother Engineering, his sister Flight Control. Over the years, as they advanced together, it became sort of a running joke at family reunions that the Kellys would have three children in the Admiralty simultaneously. The joke became a serious consideration when Ray and Sarah both received commissions in the Command division within two months of each other.

Ray's rise has been meteoric, leaving him little time for social niceties. He has a few friends from the Academy he keeps in touch with, but by and large, he has had precious little time for forming close relationships. He privately wonders how this might have been a less than optimal choice.
Service Record 2358 - Enrolls in Starfleet Academy, Security specialty
2362 - Completes Cadet Cruise aboard USS Tchaikovsky
2363 - Security detachment, USS Phoenix (Under Construction), Ensign
February, 2364 - Security detachment, USS Enterprise-D, Ensign
October, 2364 - Security Investigations, USS Exeter, Ensign
2365 - Promotion to Lt. JG
2367 - USS Exeter destroyed at Wolf 359, Kelly and 73 others survive
2367 - Security Detachment, USS Sutherland
2370 - Security Investigations, USS Gallico
2371 - Promotion to Lieutenant
2373 - USS Gallico crippled by Dominion
2374 - Chief of Operations, USS Hera
2375 - Promotion to Lieutenant Commander
2378 - Promotion to Commander
2380 - Executive Officer, USS Hera (Sister Sarah accepts post on USS Monitor at this time)
2384 - Commanding Officer, USS Revere
2386 - Promotion to Captain