
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Thu Sep 6th, 2012 @ 4:49am

Lieutenant John Williamson

Name John Cory Williamson

Position Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El-Aurian
Age 569

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 207
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description At 5'11", 207 pounds, John is strikingly average, with the exception of being covered in scars from the neck down. He is physically fit, but by no means a "body builder." John likes to keep his hair at a length that frustrates his superiors, but is not long enough to warrant complaints. Though he appears to be in his mid to late 30's, John is actually 570 standard Earth years old.


Spouse None
Father Robert Williamson (No data available on the real father.)
Mother Marion Williamson (No data available on the real mother.)
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Though he has seen much carnage in his 570 years, John has also been witness to humanity at its finest. This has help keep him friendly and lighthearted in most situations. However, conversely, in battle scenarios the war-hardened veteran emerges to take charge of any challenge and fight like a man possessed.
Though his record may lead others to believe that he is a war-monger, in truth John hates war, and fights only to protect those that can't under a strong belief in chivalry and honor.

Being El-Aurian, John possesses a limited empathic ability. In his younger years he used this with his memory to steal for thrills. Now, in his advanced years, it helps in his everyday life, as with friends, and it help tactically, as with the moral of his own troops, as well as the moral and potential movements of enemy troops.
John always carries his standard issue combat knife from World War II into battle with him and prefers to use it in close combat.
John has been able to keep his name throughout history without raising suspicion due to his ever improving skills with identification forgery. He has forged several birth and death certificates, as well as many government issued identification cards for himself.

Personal History Born on El-Aurian in the Terran year of 1820, John found his way to the backwater planet of Earth in 1859. In his youth he was a trouble maker, using his incredible memory to help him steal things for fun. After several months of this, he picked the pocket of a police officer in Boston, Massachusetts and was caught. The officer was Robert Williamson.
Because John looked as though he was only 16 or 17, and obviously had no home, Robert took pity on him and he and his wife, Marion, adopted him and gave him the name John Williamson. The Williamsons taught him integrity by example through their involvement with helping slaves escape the South in the Underground Railroad. So when the American Civil War broke out in 1861, John enlisted, and has done so in every major war where he felt a group was being oppressed.
After the massive death John witnessed in World War III, he took time to drift around Earth, then the Alpha Quadrant in an attempt to find himself.
Always keeping a wary eye on Earth, he returned when the Earth-Romulan War erupted.
In 2357, John decided that with his experience in warfare, he would be able to provide more help to those in need in a position of command and authority, and enlisted in Starfleet.