
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Tue Mar 11th, 2014 @ 10:43pm

Jade Monroe

Name Jade Katelyn Monroe [Lane]

Position Educator

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 137 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Jade is not out of the ordinary in any way physically. She is somewhat fit, but not athletic.


Spouse Gregory Monroe [Human]
Children Daughter Janice Monroe [Human, age 14]
Daughter Talla Monroe [Human, age 12]
Daughter Katie Monroe [Human, age 10]
Son Ruka Monroe [Human, age 8]
Father Benjamin Harris [Human]
Mother Susana Harris [Human]
Brother(s) Peter Harris [Human]
Caleb Harris [Human]
Other Family Sister in law Clea Monroe [Human]
Niece Abigail [Human]
Nephew John [Human]

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jade is a kind woman who loves rules. Rules are what keep her sane honestly. She likes to be organized, and she enjoys helping other people learn. That's why she's a teacher after all, to help people learn. She has been known to pick favorites, though she never grades anything based on it, her favorites tend to recieve more attention in class. She is a very good writer, and therefore a good teacher in most languages she knows.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
Rule breakers
Sometimes focuses on one or only a couple of people at a time.
Tends to speak quietly.
Ambitions She just wants to help people learn more and succeed in their lives.
Hobbies & Interests Teaching, Writing, Parenting, Juggling.
Languages Federation Standard, Bajoran, Ferengi, and Computer programing. Bits of: Klingon and Romulan.

Personal History Jade has always been a social person, having got along naturally with anyone who had a decent sense of humor since she was in middle school. She had hated Elementary school, but her sixth grade teacher really inspired her to learn, so much so that she actually became a teacher when she grew up. She loves to make things interesting for her students, since she finds that just sitting in a classroom bores both her and them. Her classes are full of trips to all different sections of Typhon, and most of the students find them quite interesting. She does this because she always loved going out of the classroom in school. She regularly books holodeck time for her class so that they can go places that aren't on Typhon too.
Service Record Lived on Earth for 23 years.
Graduated College with a Teaching degree at age 23.
Taught on numerous Federation ships.
Arrived recently on Typhon. (Family still en-route.)