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Sat Apr 9th, 2016 @ 8:40am

Lady Ebele

Name Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

Position Kindness' Place - Owner

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/ Ferengi
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 3 in
Weight 123 lbs
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Ebele is a mix of both her cultures and ; to her delight, favors her human father. Her Ferengi features are much softer and far less pronounced. Were it not for her forehead ridges she could almost pass as a Bajoran with the nose ridges; her Lobes are nearly half the size of full ferengi and she has a full head of long auburn hair that she uses to cover most of her lobes. Her physique is almost frail in appearance yet not.

Her voice is pleasant and she wears a wide array of clothing from Skirted business suits to long flowing dresses depending upon her mood or business scheduled that day. She tends to wear a 'fashionable Skort type skirt when working the bar portion of her establishment and long dress a majority of the time.


Spouse Not Applicable
Children None
Father Jacob 'Jake' McCain
Mother Naiha
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Grandparent (Human) Ruth and Cedric McCain
Step Father (Mother's mate) Morg.
'Papa' Hiku Fujita.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ebele is a woman of her word in so many levels, what she says goes in all her personal and business affairs, beware of how she says things as symantics is her greatest tool. She has never really been accepted in either society yet the humans accept her more than most. Thus she has a soft heart despite the hardships, she hasissues with how she came to be a apart of human society and the fact her father does not seem to care about her.

She has red in her hair that is her spirit, in Japanese society a woman's hair is an important part of her; Ebele is extreme on this as it is the most 'pronounced' human trait in her. She is passionate to a flaw and once known to be a friend will not waver.

She has latent anger at the Ferengi Society that will not acknowledge her; she openly uses the ROA to her advantage and quotes it to demoralize male Ferengi. Deeper is her 'kindness' she shows so often; she is empathic towards the down trodden; but a strong willed female who will speak her mind. She is known to be able to defend herself in very effective ways, almost vengeful if crossed.

Like her Heritage she seeks her own form of Profit; she collects 'IOU's' instead of wealth. It is a common knowledge when she states “You will Owe me' one should think well about the answer.

Among Ferengi she has earned the name 'Queen of the Barter.'
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

She is business minded and holds to her word without waver; she can know the value of a person's words and actions, she will give most the better impressions until proven wrong. Her temper is hard to bring out of the professional veneer and almost scary if used. She is one for the Under Dog and seeks to make a non-profit business so to keep the Grand Nagas out of her affairs. She will bend laws into a pretzel but not break them.


Ebele is all business and focused on being the opposite of ferngi laws, she takes pride in her business and works to build better business than a male for no profit. Her anger sometimes gets the best of her and she has no qualms in using weapons. She can seem cold when doing a barter as it is a driving force to her. She will seem 'whimsical in her use of actual profits if earned.

She will not hire males for her business, and holds males to their word if Bartering. It is said you can make a deal with the Devil or Ebele, the Devil sweats as she minds the details.
Ambitions To build her Not for Profit to a level Ferengi competition seem poor in comparison.
Hobbies & Interests Reading actual books
Study of Xeno- History/ Legends
Portray a variation of Rapunzel on Holodeck
Appraising things.
Languages Ferengi, Federation Standard (Japanesealso), Orion

Personal History (Mother's recalling)

Jacob was wounded and a drift from his merchant ship when the Marauder found him. Damon Morg thought of making him a slave but the records in the pod showed he came from a properous shipping company. The Ferngi Laws allowed for the 'rescue' and asking of a reward for the safe return of McCain for 3 times the cost of course.

Being told to' see his his needs' Ebele's mother took it a bit far as the human was kind to her despite her being a ferengi. Naturally the relationship was physical, she later quoted the ferengi Rule never sellp with the Boss, always with the Boss' wife.

McCain was exchanged and never seen again.

Among Ferengi women they are not allowed to have Latinum or profits so Ebele was named after a something not used by Ferngi Males and cherished as an exchange between females but no word to describe so Human Language had a name meaning Human Kindness.

That is how Ebele got her name and her humble beginnings.

(There are no official records in Feringanar Database)

It is said money was paid to keep her birth quiet as well as her growing up to the tender age of seven, she was taught how to be a proper Ferngi Female. Her life was mostly hanging out with her mother but her Mother's husband was; in his own way, kind to her and allowed her to roam the ship asking things.

She had a full understanding of the ROA, how and what is a business deal with some odd languages thrown in that the crew had picked up. When she first corrected a Male on his method to do a job and not 'cut the corners' so her 'Father would get his fair profits, it was a nightmare.

Morg had a need of Pod parts suddenly; easily replicated but he put out a call for more parts in the event he knew a Federation Ship will not turn down a change to help. The Merchant Ship Lisben out of Earth answered the call. The Captain offered the parts out of Kindness but Morg could not feel 'indebted' to a human and gave Ebele as exchange. He would not accept any other deal so the daughter was sold for parts easily replicated.

'Captain Hiku Fujita' of the Edo took the child and did not know what to do with her, he taught her Federation Standard and some he knew as he also let her have clothing; he actually preferred it. It was an enjoyable time in her life; everyday was something new as she had tutors in the crew; adventures in the cargo deck and teachings of how to run a business from Swift.

He became more than a Faather; more of a mentor, that gave her a self confidence she would use the rest of her life. She came to love him with a depth she could never truly articulate, she called him 'papa' and no one else would ever have that honor.

It was not until she was Seventeen and out on her own; she wanted to burden Swift no more for taking care of her. She only then learned that Swift had a legitimate business with nafarious dealings upon occasion and not all merchants worked that way.

As luck would have it Ebele hung out with her 'Papa' a lot so she still had connections to the Black Market and other places that would give her a network to build upon. She had not really taken a lot with her, some money and a list of connections. She enlisted the help of a Logistical expert; taking herself into his business and learning how to move commodities about in an effective manner.

She was quick to learn how things are things are shipped both in the Legitimate and not so legal methods. Ebele was keeping his books and acting like the Office help, she scheduled meetings and even attended a few enough to understand how to negotiate in the field.

Next Ebele found herself under a very cruel style man that was not much better than a Feregi; the man traded weapons, people or whatever would make him a richer. He had bad people skills or motivational skills outside intimidation. While he did not strike her he did over work her and belittled her as a sorry excuse of a ferengi. “I am not a Ferengi' she would reply and just continue to do what she had promised him. Once they reached a more friendly port she parted ways with him; he might still be looking for her but Ebele did not care since she had moved to Federation.

She took on a star ship Lounge; it was a not for profit job and she did not have to make deals for supplies. Ebele learned hat there are things she could not requisition she found that she had to trade things and starting all she managed to use her replicator privliages to get better supplies and even some extra which she traded for things.