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Sat Jun 21st, 2014 @ 12:35pm

Lieutenant Valerie Mira

Name Valerie Mira PhD

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 1/2 Betazoid & 1/2 El Aurian
Age 122

Physical Appearance

Height 5’11”
Weight 110 lbs
Hair Color Dirty Blond
Eye Color Baby Blue
Physical Description Valerie is Tan with a swimmers body.


Father James Mira (Betazoid) (murdered in the family home)
Mother Lt. Jordan Mira (El Aurian) (KIA on USS Voyager)
Sister(s) Sr. Commander Charlotte Mira

Personality & Traits

General Overview Valerie is a good officer and loves being part of Starfleet
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
1. She works well with others
2. She is also a good listener
3. She has a good head
1. She can be pig-head
2. She also holds grudges for awhile
Ambitions good listener, and helps were she can
Hobbies & Interests Music from the 21st & 20th Century
Languages Standard

Personal History Valerie Mira was born on November 13, near Janaran Falls on Betazed, to a El Aurian Starfleet Officer Jordan Mira and Betazoid Ambassador to Andor James Mira.

3 year after Valerie birth she was gifted by her parents with a baby sister who was named Charlotte Mira, Both the girls grow on Betazed with there father who had retired from being a Ambassador to Andor to take care of me and my sister, has our mother was a Starfleet Officer.

At the age of 18 the family home was broken to but unknown people or person, and my father was killed protecting me and my sister has we run out the back of the house.

Soon after my mother ship "USS Voyager" were she was a Engineering Officer was lost in the badlands.

When Voyager made is 1st Communication to earth me and my sister were notified about the death of our mother.
Service Record 2365 -- Valerie Mira's what to The University of Betazed, advanced career study in Psychology & Security
2369 -- Valerie Mira's Graduation from The University of Betazed
2370 -- Moved to New York City, New York, Earth
2370 -- Valerie join the New York City Security Force as a the resident psychologist and profiler
2380 -- Valerie Mira retired from the New York City Security Force
2381 -- Valerie Mira's joined Starfleet Academy to be come an officer
2385 -- Valerie Mira's Graduation from Starfleet Academy & given the rank Lieutenant
2385 -- Assigned to the Deep Space 7 as Station Counselor
2388 -- Reassigned to USS Davis as Ship Counselor
2389 -- Promoted to Lt. Commander
2389 -- Valerie Mira passed her Command Test
2390 -- Reassigned to USS Texas as Executive Officer
2392 -- Reassigned to Starbase Typhon as Counselor with the Rank of Lieutenant

2400 -- Valerie Mira PhD is reassigned to USS Charmed as Chief Counselor Promoted to Commander
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