Lieutenant Commander Folami N'Diaye

Name Folami Afua N'Diaye

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Folami is a tall, imposing woman with skin so dark as to be almost black. She is heavyset and can be really intimidating at times. She wears her hair cropped close to her skull and wears thick black kohl around her eyes. She wears no jewelry but does have a tattoo of a pentacle inked on the skin of her right hip.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Amadou N'diaye
Mother Abeni Okoye
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Extensive cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.
While Folami's extended family was enormous, her immediate family consisted of only her and her parents due to their careers in Starfleet. This alienated them from the extended family somewhat, as they were largely earthbound.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Folami is an intense individual who commands the respect of those who interact with her. She is incredibly understated, and does not have to project or announce herself to anyone. She has a beleaguered sense of humor, but she is working on it. One of her main qualities is her ability to get along with anyone; it is very difficult to piss her off. She will let you know if you are out of line but it is only in extreme cases that she will lose her cool. Young female members of Starfleet tend to come to her for advice, and she adores them. Folami does not tend towards mood swings; her emotions are very stable. The only emotion she displays prominently and without reserve is happiness.
Folami is highly analytical and detail-oriented. While her people skills are high enough to merit another job than chief science officer, her passion for the sciences keeps her in her position.
Folami does not get distracted easily.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
giving advice; unflappability; focus; dependability; weirdly awesome interior design skills
slow physical reflexes; dry humor; fear of snakes; low pain tolerance; has a weakness for little trinkets from markets and bazaars
Ambitions To boldly go where no man has gone before
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies:
sharpshooting, mixing drinks, learning languages casually
Interests: ship's gossip, mechanics, heritage (hers and others')
Languages Federation Standard, Igbo, a smattering of Bajoran; learning Cardassian, Ferengi, Klingon, and Vulcan

Personal History Folami was born in Senegal to a Senegalese father (Amadou) and Nigerian mother (Abeni). Both her parents were members of Starfleet; Amadou was an engineer and Abeni was a medical officer. Folami lived in Senegal until she was 20 and then followed her parents into space after graduating from Starfleet Academy early. She entered Starfleet science and worked her way up the ranks.
Service Record Graduated from Starfleet Academy with specialization in Astrophysics and Xenobiology
Ensign, USS Farouk El-Baz
Science officer, USS Donovan
Science officer, USS Hispaniola
Chief science officer, USS Hispaniola