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Sat Jun 21st, 2014 @ 12:48pm

Crewman Paula Grey

Name Paula Grey [Lane]

Rank Crewman

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 12

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 88 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Slim build, cunning face, pointy chin, hair in one braid, the twins make an effort to look the same.


Sister(s) Abbey Grey (twin)
Other Family Grandparents:
Warren Grey
Abbey Grey

Personality & Traits

General Overview Due to their efforts to look the same, both of the twins answer readily to "Paulaby" which is pronounced like wallaby, but with a Paul in the front.

Paula is always wanting to learn more about everything, and knows everything about their ships from the smallest wires to the bulkheads. She is excellent at rebuilding the ship, but doesn't show it around non-crew members. She is innovative in her repairs often using methods that don't make sense. She is good at faking not knowing things, and looking innocent. The twins, when put together, are a recipient for deception and trouble.

Personal History Paula had fun as a child building "Abby proof" structures.