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Sat Jun 21st, 2014 @ 12:48pm

Crewman Abbey Grey

Name Abbey Grey [Folami]

Rank Crewman

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 12

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2''
Weight 92
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Slim build, cunning face, pointy chin. Braided hair, one braid down her back to the end of her shoulder blades. Makes specific effort not to look different than her sister.


Sister(s) Paula Grey (twins)
Other Family Warren Grey (grandfather)
Marrin Grey (grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Due to their efforts to look absolutely identical, both of the twins answer to the name "Paulaby," whether separate or together. "Paulaby" is pronounced like the word "wallaby."

Abbey is a destructive creature. Where her sister prefers to build and create, Abbey prefers to take apart and destroy. She has a talent for breaking things. Sometimes she wishes she wasn't so good at it, but for the most part Abbey takes pride in her chaotic ways.
Both she and Paula are innovative and a little manipulative. Both girls have perfected the "harmless ingenue" persona. Abbey would rather get things herself, but can make others do what she wants sometime.
Hobbies & Interests Taking things apart... And making sure they stay that way.
Intricate hairstyles
Languages Paulabian

Personal History Paula and Abbey are on their grandparents' spaceships willingly. However, they are there against their parents' wishes.